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Imperialism Chapter 5, Section 1.

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1 Imperialism Chapter 5, Section 1

2 Causes of Imperialism What is isolationism?
Imperialism – strong nations extend their military, political and economic control over weaker Extractive economies – extracted what they wanted and shipped it home US needed to ship surplus Build military strength Urged by Mahan

3 Causes Cont. Superiority Review Social Darwinism
Extend Manifest Destiny Review 3 causes of imperialism? Economic gain, militarism, nationalism/Social Darwinism


5 Becoming a World Power Commodore Mathew Perry Seward buys Alaska
Showered Japanese emperor with gifts Shows them that Japan needs to catch up militarily Naval base in Hawaii Seward buys Alaska Doubled US at the time Lots of timber, oil and other resources US influence in Latin America


7 Hawaii Economic link since the 1790s Two problems
Tariffs on sugar Liliuokalani takes over Solution: overthrow the Queen The annexation of Hawaii Senate did not approve under Harrison Cleveland wanted investigation and offered apology to Hawaii 1898 under McKinley, officially annexed

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