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General Outline: BIT.TRIP and “holistic” indie console game design Intro Who am I What do I do at Gaijin Games Holistic? Define what it means to me Applying.

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Presentation on theme: "General Outline: BIT.TRIP and “holistic” indie console game design Intro Who am I What do I do at Gaijin Games Holistic? Define what it means to me Applying."— Presentation transcript:


2 General Outline: BIT.TRIP and “holistic” indie console game design Intro Who am I What do I do at Gaijin Games Holistic? Define what it means to me Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company Financials Team/Partners The Product The Player From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Benefits Deeper products More meaningful experiences all around Detractors Not always mass-marketable Unknown territory Conclusion Are holistic design ideas/ideals for everyone? Lowest common denominator vs. targeted audience

3 Who dis guy? Mike Roush Art Director at Gaijin Games, Inc. Vital Stats
Lots of 3D experience Started a company with some dudes Dislikes PowerPoint presentations Because now you’re just reading this While he yabbers on... Coworker Alex used this slide in another PPT Intro Who am I What do I do at Gaijin Games

4 Holistic? Holistic? Define what it means to me
The whole being more than the sum of its parts

5 Holistic? Holistic? Define what it means to me
The whole being more than the sum of its parts

6 Holistic? Holistic? Define what it means to me
The whole being more than the sum of its parts

7 Holistic? Holistic? Define what it means to me
The whole being more than the sum of its parts

8 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

9 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

10 $ Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player $

11 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

12 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

13 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

14 Holistic design Applying holistic ideas to game design The Company
Financials Team/Partners The Product From the controller in, rather than from the TV out Holistic design as a philosophy from the beginning (having tried other approaches on other teams before) The Player

15 benefits Benefits Deeper products
More meaningful experiences all around

16 detractors Detractors
Communication of concepts/ideas – getting buy-in from partners... Not always mass-marketable Unknown territory

17 Over already? Conclusion
Are holistic design ideas/ideals for everyone? Lowest common denominator vs. targeted audience

18 Over already? Conclusion
Are holistic design ideas/ideals for everyone? Lowest common denominator vs. targeted audience

19 Q/A

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