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Susumu Ikehara  Experimental Hematology 

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1 Treatment of autoimmune diseases by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 
Susumu Ikehara  Experimental Hematology  Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages (June 2001) DOI: /S X(01)

2 Figure 1 Histopathologic and immunofluorescent findings in glomeruli of B/WF1 mice before and after BMT. Typical wire-loop lesions (top left) and IgG deposits (bottom left) are present in the glomeruli of the 8-month-old B/WF1 mouse before BMT. Five months after BMT, IgG deposits are markedly reduced (bottom right), and the glomeruli of the mouse exhibit a normal appearance on hematoxylin-eosin staining (top right) Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

3 Figure 2 Survival rates in (W/BF1→C3H) chimeric mice. C3H/HeN mice were irradiated (9.5 Gy) and then reconstituted with either 1–2 × 107 T-cell–depleted (TCD)-BMC (♦—♦), 1–2 × 105 WGA+ cells plus 40 Gy-irradiated bone grafts (□—□), or WGA+ cells alone from male W/BF1 mice (<2 mo) (■—■) Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

4 Figure 3 Survival rate following serial BMT using c-kit<low or c-kitlow cells Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

5 Figure 4 CFU-S assays using c-kit<low, c-kitlow, or c-kit+ marrow cells. The female C57BL/6 Ly 5.2 mice that received 103 c-kit<low, c-kitlow, or c-kit+ cells were killed on days 8–20; c-kit<low and c-kitlow cells were obtained from the BMCs of 5-FU–treated male Ly 5.1 mice, and c-kit+ cells were obtained from the BMCs of male Ly 5.1 mice without 5-FU treatment. The spleens were removed and fixed with Bouin's fixing fluid before the spleen colonies were counted Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

6 Figure 5 In vitro MHC restriction between P-HSCs and stromal cells. When B10 (H-2b) P-HSCs (300 or 100 cells) are cocultured with B10 stromal cells, the P-HSCs show good proliferative responses. In contrast, when B10 P-HSCs are cocultured with B10D2 (H-2d) stromal cells, the P-HSCs (10–300 cells) show poor proliferative responses Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

7 Figure 6 Prevention of autoimmune diseases in MRL/lpr mice by 8.5-Gy irradiation followed by allogeneic BMT plus bone grafts Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

8 Figure 7 Treatment of autoimmune diseases in MRL/lpr mice with cyclophosphamide (CY) + fractionated irradiation (5.5 Gy × 2) + double injections of whole BMCs plus bone grafts Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

9 Figure 8 Treatment of autoimmune diseases of MRL/lpr mice by fractionated irradiation (5.5 Gy × 2) + whole BMC injections into the portal vein (PV) (day 0) plus intravenously (IV) (day 5) Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

10 Figure 9 CFU-S counts on days 5, 7, and 14 in mice that received HSCs alone or HSCs + BM stroma via the PV or IV. Representative patterns of 5–6 independent experiments. Student's t-test was used for statistical analyses Experimental Hematology  , DOI: ( /S X(01) )

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