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T. Bowcock University of Liverpool For the LHCb Collaboration

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Presentation on theme: "T. Bowcock University of Liverpool For the LHCb Collaboration"— Presentation transcript:

1 T. Bowcock University of Liverpool For the LHCb Collaboration
The LHCb Experiment T. Bowcock University of Liverpool For the LHCb Collaboration

2 Overview Detector Design LHCb Components and Status Physics Summary
2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

3 Detector Design(1) Goals
Simultaneous measurements of ,,, and  Exploration of Bs sector Access to rare b-decays +… 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

4 Detector Design(2) 1 r h a g b 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

5 Detector Design(3) Forward Physics
O(1012)bbpairs/year bb~500b bb/ inelastic~5×10-3 Pairs produced at small angles Modest luminosity 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

6 LHCb(1) Components Reversible field 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

7 LHCb(2) Particle ID ID 1-150GeV/c
RICH system divided into 2 detectors and 3 radiators: aerogel, C4F10, CF4 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

8 LHCb(3) RICH Acceptance 300 mrad RICH 1 120 mrad RICH 2
Radiators: thickness L, refractive index n, angle c, /K threshold Aerogel C4F10 CF4 L cm n qc mrad p GeV K GeV 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

9 LHCb(4) Particle ID 3s separation pK 3-80GeV/c
# of detected photons 7 Aerogel C4F CF4 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

10 LHCb(5) Particle ID Bd   + (a) Bs  DsK (g) 2/24/2019
LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

11 LHCb(6) Vertexing VELO 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

12 LHCb(7) VELO Series of disks 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

13 LHCb(8) VELO Micron pn&nn Rad tolerant High resolution
Xs ~ 80 200,000 channels Low occupancy 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

14 LHCb(9) Trigger 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

15 LHCb(10) Trigger 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

16 LHCb(11) Status LHCb Experiment Approved Sep 1998
Technical Design Reports Magnet Calorimeter Muon RICH VELO Outer Tracker 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

17 LHCb(12) Improving Performance
Reducing Material Budgets VELO X0 0.04 RICH X0 0.05 Tracking X0 0.11 Beam Pipe VELO: material, stations RICH: Mirror Tracking Stations Trigger efficiencies 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

18 Physics(1) 2005 BABAR, BELLE 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

19 Physics(2) LHCb 2007/8 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

20 Physics(3) LHCb Performance
Sensitivity Relative to LHCb 1 year operation Atlas/CMS (1 year) BABAR 0.5ab-1 BTeV LHCb (Value) s(Sin2b)Expt/s(Sin2b)LHCb 0.9/0.8 2.6 1.8 0.02 s(Sin2a)Expt/s(Sin2a)LHCb 1.8/3.0 3.2 0.4 ??? s(g)Expt/s(g)LHCb - 1.0 10 s(-2dg+g) Expt /s(-2dg+g) LHCb 1.2 1.6/1.8 75 4.2 2.0 25K 1.2/1.6 33 Physics(3) LHCb Performance 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

21 Summary Second generation b-physics experiment “day-one” operation
Superb instrument for exploring possible deviations from SM in B sector Preparation progressing well 2/24/2019 LHCb Detector T. Bowcock

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