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March 2012 The Universal Gaming Experience Extending the Value Chain of Games.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2012 The Universal Gaming Experience Extending the Value Chain of Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2012 The Universal Gaming Experience Extending the Value Chain of Games

2 March 2012 The value chain of games gamesdistribution touch points experienceplayer More than ever, we experience change waves in every aspect of gaming 2

3 March 2012 The new player GDTEP Value chain 3

4 March 2012 New generations | new habits New generations | new habits March 2012 4

5 Source: Jane McGonigal Games are universal Games are universal 5

6 March 2012 Games are universal Games are universal 6

7 March 2012 The average game player age… One out of four gamers is… 7 Games are universal Games are universal

8 March 2012 Experience entertainment, fun, recreation GDTEP Value chain 8

9 March 2012 83% 83% of Facebook* participants use it to play online games * 100 billion connections 845 million active monthly users (Mashable, 2012) Games are enjoyed across Social Networks 9

10 March 2012 68% of Women play with people they know 68% of Women play with people they know 55 % of Men play with people they know 55 % of Men play with people they know Source: Mashable (2011) Social games played with… 10

11 March 2012 Bridging multiple customer habits Touchpoints - device interaction is a daily habit. GDTEP Value chain 11

12 March 2012 The desktop user The wireless user The home user user The new retail user The new customer | disruptive innovation (Technology) The new customer | disruptive innovation (Technology) 12

13 March 2012 Six areas to excel | multiple customer touch points Six areas to excel | multiple customer touch points AgilityAgility Customer Engagement Customer Engagement Customer Acquisition Customer Acquisition Customer reach Rich Content Rich Content PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Awareness & Promotion Awareness & Promotion We invest in.. To achieve.. Satisfied only by.. 13

14 March 2012 Technology & services a critical ingredient of games production & distribution GDTEP Value chain 14

15 March 2012 LotteryLottery PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Games | Games | content optimized and delivered on demand BettingBettingCasinoCasinoPokerPoker BingoBingoScratchScratchVirtualVirtualSocialSocial Game Engines RNGRNGPoolsPools Risk Management Liquidity Management The long tail effect The liquidity factor Games Specific Services e.g Risk Management Content Aggregation 15

16 March 2012 CustomerCustomerWalletWallet RT Analytics Responsible Gaming Fraud & Security PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Compliance (RV) Payment Instruments PortalPortalLobbyLobbyChannelsChannelsiGateiGate Single Customer View Payment Control Center Real time analytics Loyalty Management Gaming Content Aggregation Player Club Loyalty Effect Bonus Engine Platform | Platform | the unifying infrastructure Affiliate Systems Mgt CRMCRM 16

17 March 2012 PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Know Your Customer-KYC Create true, loyal customers to extend Players Lifecycle and maximize their Lifetime Value Create true entertainment experiences Product Management Operations | Operations | managing loyalty values Customer Contact Center (C3) Retention Management Business Intelligence Graphics Team CRM Systems Loyalty Systems RT Analytics Tournaments & Prizes 17

18 March 2012 PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Reward the Frequency, the Recency, the Gaming wallet % rather then the nominal value of money spent Manage Bonuses intelligently Reward intangibles, such as Services available only for loyal customers True loyal customers are not looking for discounts. They look for value-for-money Marketing Strategy Marketing | Marketing | attracting players Marketing Budget Offline Advertisement Retail Network On line Marketing SEOSEOSEMSEM Affiliate Recruitment & Reward VIP management EnGamentEnGament Social Networks 18

19 March 2012 PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Distribution | Distribution | multi-channel Responsive Web The desktop user The wireless user The home user user The new retail user PortalPortal CMSCMS Virtual Points Rewards Transactional Systems Server Based Gaming Retail Networks iTViTV Mobile Internet SocialNetworksSocialNetworks The NEW PLAYER 19

20 March 2012 PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Manage and enhance brand value Adhere to principles yet embrace new demographics Adapt new business models Trust & security Brand | Brand | a key asset Brand variation on channel Lottery gaming hub Responsible Gaming Return to Society Social Media Presence 20

21 March 2012 Games the new format GDTEP Value chain 21

22 March 2012 Understanding games | Understanding games | profiling simplicity Easy to play fast games Rewarding but frequent draws and instant wins association Allow the player to associate with his selection of random numbers (e.g. birthdates) socialization Introduce social features such as chatting, group play, tournaments and prizes key attributes for the new games… 22

23 March 2012 A strategy ahead 23

24 March 2012 unique lottery assets The new Lottery Landscape I unique lottery assets Brand Land based assets 24

25 March 2012 extending the lottery assets The new Lottery Landscape I extending the lottery assets gamesdistribution touch points experienceplayer Numerical games revisited Connected liquidities Connect land based with interactive games Technology to allow same content across multiple devices Cloud gaming to allow instant access to new gaming content Robustness, performance & integration with third parties Social games New i-games i-TV emerging NFC interaction mobile Desktop internet QR code automations Group & social play Subscription & Loyalty Tournaments & Prizes Personalized selections Combine land & new media infotainment Extend to younger demographics Balance the gender mix Communicate the brand Safeguard responsible gaming Return to Society campaigns New retail look & feel 25

26 March 2012 e-lottery games connected liquidity On internet on mobile Loyalty, subscriptions group play Tournaments Chatting games Lottery Social network Land based & retail Loyalty Involve the retailer a first step The new Lottery Landscape I a first step 26

27 March 2012 PlatformPlatform OperationsOperations Marketing Marketing DistributionDistribution GamesGames BrandBrand Support for our B2B Customers Value Chain designing the partnership The new Lottery Landscape I designing the partnership 27

28 March 2012 Thank you Thank you John Pittman, VP Marketing Intralot, Inc.

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