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4th Grade Milestone Review CFA #9.

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1 4th Grade Milestone Review CFA #9

2 Milestone Review GPS In any community, which group includes the largest number of living things? A herbivores B consumers C predator producers D

3 Milestone Review 2. Which adaptation is LEAST useful for
GPS 2. Which adaptation is LEAST useful for animals that live in the tundra? thick fur A long, thin legs B white body color C hibernating D

4 Milestone Review 3. The pattern on this butterfly looks
GPS 3. The pattern on this butterfly looks like an owl’s eyes. This is an example of extinction A camouflage B hibernation C mimicry D

5 Milestone Review 4. Which of these changes would most
GPS 4. Which of these changes would most harm the organisms of a pond community? the death of the largest fish in the pond A several days of heavy rain B people draining much of the pond’s water C the arrival of winter D

6 Milestone Review 5. In the 1800s, humans hunted huge
GPS 5. In the 1800s, humans hunted huge numbers of American bison. The species almost became exported A endangered C extinct migrated B D

7 Milestone Review 6. In a meadow ecosystem, a population
GPS 6. In a meadow ecosystem, a population of rabbits increases. What populations are most likely to increase as a result? foxes, hawks, and other predators of the rabbits A reproduce B rabbits that lives elsewhere C worms that live in the meadow soil D

8 Milestone Review 7. When does a chipmunk hibernate? over winter
GPS 7. When does a chipmunk hibernate? over winter A over summer B during raining weather C when prey are scarce D

9 Milestone Review 8. The line graph shows the population over time of
GPS 8. The line graph shows the population over time of animal species. What event could explain the data? The animals were overhunted and became endanger . A The animals migrated every spring. B The animals hibernated every winter. C The animals were extinct in 2003 D

10 Milestone Review 9. A frog with which adaptation is most
GPS 9. A frog with which adaptation is most likely to be poisonous? camouflage A slimy skin B strong legs C bright body color D

11 Milestone Review 10. Fossils provide clues to the lives of
GPS 10. Fossils provide clues to the lives of extinct species of long ago. A all extinct species B endangered species. C animals only, not plants. D

12 Milestone Review 11. Camouflage may help an animal hide from
GPS 11. Camouflage may help an animal hide from plants to get washed away or destroyed A prey only. B predators and prey. C small animals only. D

13 Milestone Review 12. Which animal is extinct? lion bald eagle
GPS 12. Which animal is extinct? A lion bald eagle B house cat C T-rex D

14 Milestone Review 13. What is a species?
GPS 13. What is a species? the place where an animal or plant lives A something a living thing does over and over again B a group of living things that can mate with one another C the remains or trace of an organism that lived long ago D

15 Milestone Review 14. What must all living things do in order for
GPS 14. What must all living things do in order for their species to survive? become endangered A reproduce B become fossils C hibernate D

16 Milestone Review 15. Which statement is TRUE?
GPS 15. Which statement is TRUE? Only human activities cause species to become extinct A Only natural events cause species to become extinct. B Both natural events and human activities can cause species to become extinct. C No species tat are alive today will become extinct. D

17 Milestone Review 16. Which describes a group of living things
GPS 16. Which describes a group of living things of the same kind living in the same area? A ecosystem B environment habitat C population D

18 Milestone Review 17. Which is a group of animals extinct?
GPS 17. Which is a group of animals extinct? A when few of its egg hatch B when there is a flood When all members of the group have died C No when very few members of the group are alive D

19 Milestone Review 18. Which does an eagle’s beak help it do?
GPS 18. Which does an eagle’s beak help it do? A run from predators B catch its prey hide from predators C migrate D

20 Milestone Review 19. Snakes eat frogs. Frogs eat crickets.
GPS 19. Snakes eat frogs. Frogs eat crickets. What will MOST LIKELY happen in a swamp if many of the frogs die during a drought? The frog population will increase A B The cricket population will increase. The snake population will increase. C The snakes will learn to eat crickets. D

21 Milestone Review 20. Which is an effect of land development?
GPS 20. Which is an effect of land development? Natural habitats get larger A B It gets easier for most living things to find resources they need. Resources living things need are removed from the area. C Drought occur. D

22 Milestone Review 21. Flooding can cause?
GPS 21. Flooding can cause? plants to get washed away or destroyed. A B plants to dry up and die. predators to stop hunting prey. C D animals to get thirsty and move away

23 Milestone Review 22. Which adaptation helps a giraffe hide from
GPS 22. Which adaptation helps a giraffe hide from grassland predators? long neck. A B long legs spotted coat C D strong lips

24 Milestone Review 23. Which event caused the Carolina
GPS 23. Which event caused the Carolina parakeet to become extinct? a climate changing from warm to cold A B an object from space crashing into Earth the hunting of parakeets by people C D the use of the pollutant DDT by people

25 Milestone Review 24. Which is an effect that clearing land to
GPS 24. Which is an effect that clearing land to grow crops and raise farm animals has on living things? Their natural habitat gets smaller. A B Their natural habitat gets larger They are no longer hunted by predators C D They change from prey to predators.

26 Milestone Review 25. A screw and a wheel chair ramp are both
GPS 25. A screw and a wheel chair ramp are both examples of Wheel and axle A B a pulley Inclined plane C D a lever

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