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New to Year and Phase Leader training

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Presentation on theme: "New to Year and Phase Leader training"— Presentation transcript:

1 New to Year and Phase Leader training
Tania Cotton and Clare Goodall

2 The areas of focus for the day:
Introductions Yourself and your leadership style 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break Your role 12:00 – 12:45 Lunch Your school and the children you serve 13:30 – 13:45 Coffee break Your team Gap task – changing a habit.

3 So, who’s who? Your name Your school
Something you are looking forward to in relation to your leadership Something you are apprehensive about in relation to your leadership

4 The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality Max De Pree

5 The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality Max De Pree
This can be broken into 4 parts: Yourself – having a secure and realistic understanding of yourself Your role – what is and isn’t your responsibility Your school and year group – knowing the bigger picture as well as focusing on the children in your year group Your team – who are the people within your team, their personalities and their abilities

6 Yourself

7 So, what sort of leader do you want to be?
When you leave, how would you like to be remembered?

8 Does it differ from how you currently are?
Reflection sheet We will keep coming back to this over the four sessions and thinking of ways to change your current habits so think carefully about it. More of Less of

9 Which social style is your default?
Let’s find out…

10 Power vs. Authority What do you think the difference is? Power
Attached to the role Attached to the person Shallow/demanding/one way Integrated/sincerity/humility Directive from above Balance of challenge/support Do as I say Do as I do External - done to Internal – trust in principled leadership Just do it/jobs on the line Listen to others and justify reasons why decisions are made I We

11 Let’s see what sort of mindset we each hold…

12 Results

13 This applies to yourself, your team and the children you teach.
Consider your mindset This applies to yourself, your team and the children you teach.

14 You have to look after you!

15 Helpful resources


17 Your role

18 So, what is your responsibility?
Yourself… So, what is your responsibility?

19 Year / phase leader responsibilities
Jot down anything that you think if your responsibility… Year / phase leader responsibilities

20 Now jot down anything that you think is:
your responsibility the responsibility of the teachers in your team a joint responsibility Year / phase leader responsibilities Teacher responsibilities

21 Roles and responsibilities – the procedural side
What information / procedural duties your HT will expect from you: Organisation – trips, curriculum / long term overviews Data analysis Work scrutiny Pupil conferencing Environment monitoring Observing teaching Team teaching and coaching

22 Roles and responsibilities – the leadership side
How your HT will expect you to act and to lead: Professional conduct and modelling Professional loyalty Ability to share with an develop others Ability to promote a positive moral Professional assertiveness and decision making Appropriate delegation


24 Your school and the children you serve

25 Your school vision and the culture
What is it? How does it impact upon your approach? Do the people in your team know and ‘live’ the school vision?

26 Who are the children you serve?
What was their previous year like? Who are the children who need more specialised provision and how is that being provided for? What are their learning behaviours like? Are there any particular differences in classes? How do the answers to all of these questions impact upon your approach?


28 Your team

29 What sort of team do you want to have?

30 Does it differ from what you currently have?
Team reflection sheet We will keep coming back to this over the four sessions and thinking of ways to change the current habits of your team so please think carefully about it. More of Less of

31 Which of your team fall into which of the social styles?
Let’s find out…

32 The ladder of inference
How to avoid jumping to conclusions by questioning yourself and considering other possibilities.

33 How will you build team cohesion?
Building trust How will you build team cohesion? Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Dan Pink

34 Gap task Please find a colleague at work who you know will be honest in their feedback and ask them to complete the 555 questionnaire for you. Complete the ‘Building a new habit’ using either your colleague’s feedback or your reflection sheet. Be prepared to discuss how this has gone at the next session on 8th November.

35 Next session… 8th November 9-4pm
The procedural side: Organisation – trips, curriculum / long term overviews Data analysis Work scrutiny Pupil conferencing Environment monitoring Observing teaching Team teaching and coaching

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