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Principles of Government Road to Independence Critical Period The

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1 Principles of Government Road to Independence Critical Period The Convention Ratification Debate 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 The four characteristics of a state

3 What are government, territory, population, and sovereignty?

4 Type of Government where power is shared by the central government and many smaller governments

5 What is Federal or Federalism?

6 Where sovereignty lies in a democracy

7 What is the people?

8 Specific type of government in which the people elect representatives to make decisions for them.

9 What is a representative democracy?

10 Type of government in which the legislative branch and chief executive are elected by the people for set terms

11 What is a presidential system?

12 British law that placed a tax on all legal documents

13 What is the Stamp Act?

14 Series of laws passed by Parliament in response to growing unrest in the colonies

15 What were the “Intolerable Acts”?

16 Following this meeting, the colonists sent a Declaration of Rights to King George

17 What was the First Continental Congress?

18 The signing of this document marked the first time the power of an English monarch was limited

19 What was the Magna Carta?

20 He is considered the “Father of the Declaration of Independence”

21 Who is Thomas Jefferson?

22 The Articles of Confederation described the United States as this type of league

23 What is a “firm league of friendship”?

24 The biggest problem for the United States during the Critical Period

25 What is it had a weak central government?

26 The only branch at the national level under the Articles of Confederation

27 What is the Legislative Branch? (no executive, no judicial)

28 Reason for the Annapolis & Mt. Vernon meetings

29 What is to discuss trade within the colonies?

30 The main reason why the United States could not pay off its war debt during the Critical Period

31 What is it could not force states or individuals to pay taxes?

32 He is considered the “Father of the U.S. Constitution”

33 Who is James Madison?

34 Plan that favored the small states

35 What is the New Jersey Plan?

36 Both the Connecticut Plan and the Virginia Plan contained this type of representation

37 What is proportional?

38 Type of representation in our current U. S
Type of representation in our current U.S. Senate and the New Jersey Plan

39 What is equal representation?

40 This compromise was included to alleviate the South’s concern about tariffs on exports and the importation of slaves

41 What is the Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise?

42 The name of the group who opposed the new U.S. Constitution

43 Who were the Anti-Federalists?

44 These newspaper articles were written to build support for the U. S
These newspaper articles were written to build support for the U.S. Constitution in New York

45 What were the Federalists?

46 This group’s members included John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton

47 Who are the Federalists?

48 Pennsylvania was the second and New Hampshire was the ninth states to do it

49 What was ratify the U.S. Constitution?

50 It was only after the Federalists promised to do this, that many Anti-Federalist agree to support ratification

51 What is draft a Bill of Rights?

52 The Philadelphia Convention
Your Final Jeopardy category is: The Philadelphia Convention

53 Make Your Wager

54 How the framers referred to enslaved people in the Three-Fifth Compromise


56 What are “all other Persons”

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