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Basic usage and packages of TEX

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1 Basic usage and packages of TEX
Sung-Ju Kang Department Of Physics Kangwon National University TEX is a computer program for typesetting documents. CONTENTS (1) Input Files (2) Input Files Structure (3) Big Projects

2 Input Files 1) The input for LATEX is a plain text file.
2) Compiled the input file. $ latex filename.tex 3) Obtain the `DVI' file, to can print out. 4) The `DVI' file is Changed to the ‘PS’ and ‘PDF’ file. • Making the ‘PDF’ file that used the ACROBAT $ dvipdfm filename.dvi • Making the ‘PS’file that used the GHOSTVIEW $ dvips filename.dvi

3 (2) Input Files Structure
\documentclass{….} This specifies what sort of document you intend to write. 2) \usepackage{….} You can include commands which influence the style of the whole document, or you load packages which add new features to the LATEX system. 3) \begin{document} Now you enter the text. 4) \end{document} This command tells LATEX to call it a day.

4 1) \documentclass[option]{class}
{class} specifies the type of document to be created. • article : for articles in scientific journals, presentations, …. • report : for longer report containing several chapters, small book, …. • book : for real book • slides : for slides [option] parameter customizes the behavior of the document class. The option have to be separated by commas. • 10pt(default), 11pt, 12pt : Size of main font in the document. • a4paper, letterpaper,.. : Defines the paper size. • titlepage, nontitlepage : Specifies whether a new page should be started after the document title or not. • oneside(default), twoside : Whether double or single sided output shoud be generated.

5 2) \usepackage[option]{package}
{package} parameter is a name of the package. • dos : Allows the documentation of LaTeX programs. • hangul : Allows to use of the ‘The Korean alphabet’. • exscale : Provides scaled versions of the math extension font. • fontenc : Specifies which font encoding LaTeX should use. • latexsym : To access the LaTeX symbol font. • makeidx : Provides commands for producing indexes. • syntonly : Processes a document without typesetting it. • inputenc : Allows the specification of an input encoding. [option] parameter is a list of keywords which trigger special features in the package.

6 3) \begin{document} • LATEX Commands
They consist of a backslash and exactly one special character. • Comments When LATEX encounters a % character while procession an input file, it ignores the rest of the present line and the line break. • Typesetting Mathematical Formulae LATEX has a special mode for typesetting mathematics. · Mathematical text within a paragraph is entered between \ [and \], $ [and $], \begin{math} and \end{math}. · It is preferable to display larger mathematical equations or formulae. This means you enclose them in \ [and \] or \begin{displaymath} and \end{displaymath}. This produces formulae which are not numbered. If you want LATEX to number them, you can use the equation environment.

7 (3) Big Projects When working on big documents, you want to split the input file into several parts. \include{filename} You can use this commend in the document body to insert the contents of another file named filename.tex. Note that LaTeX will start a new page. \includeonly{filename, filename,…} This command can be use in the preamble. After this command is executed only listed in the argument of the \includeonly command will be executed. \input{filename} This command simply includes the file specified. No flashy suits, no strings attached.

8 SUMMARY • TEX is a computer program for typesetting documents.
• Input text file is changed the ‘DVI’ file, ‘PS’ file and ‘PDF’ file. • Input file consists of the special structure and you enter the text mixed with some useful LATEX commands. • You can work to split the input file several parts.

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