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1 meter is equal to approx. 3 ft.

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1 1 meter is equal to approx. 3 ft.
Warm-Up: 8/31 Copy Agenda. On Response Page, calculate the following (show your work). 1 fathom is equal to 6 ft. 1 meter is equal to approx. 3 ft. If you took a submarine fathoms under the sea, how many meters deep would you be? What zone would you be in?

2 Answer 6000 m The benthic zone 1 fathom equals 2 m
For every 2 meters you go 1 fathom. (algebra form) solve for X = 3000f X 2m/f = 6000 Basicially, 3000fathom x 2m per fathom = 6000 So if you went 3000 fathoms, you would be 6000 m deep. The benthic zone

3 Warm-Up: 09/01 Copy Agenda. Take out a sheet of paper, number from 1 through 15. Do not skip spaces. Is your name at the top?

4 Warm-Up: 09/02 Copy Agenda. On Response page, calculate: What percent of energy gets passed from primary consumers to secondary consumers?

5 Warm-Up: 09/03 Copy Agenda. On Response Page, answer the following. Explain the difference between a food chain, a food web, and an energy pyramid.

6 Take out a blank sheet of paper …..w/ your name
Sec.__ Owl Pellet Lab Hypothesis:

7 Warm-Up: 9/04 Copy Agenda. On Response Page, Complete the following: Using the animals below, create an energy pyramid and label it correctly.

8 Answer Tertiary or 3rd level consumer Hawk
Secondary or 2nd level consumer Snake Primary or 1st level consumer Mouse Producer Grass

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