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Welcome to EMS Hope your first day was great!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EMS Hope your first day was great!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EMS Hope your first day was great!!!

2 Welcome! We have put together a few slides to help you get acquainted with our school. This should only take a few minutes but we need a few things from you: Ask questions This presentation is for you so please ask questions if you have them Speak up If we are going too fast ask us to slow down Share If there are things that we did not cover, let us know and we will add it for the next student Come back in If we get done and you think of more questions come back in.

3 Meet the Administrators
Mrs. Klauss Principal Mr. Davis Assistant Principal Mr. O’Konek Assistant Principal

4 Meet your Counselors Mrs. Corbin (Last name A-K) Mr. Appel (Last name L-Z)

5 THE Wildcat Way Rules we live by at EMS
You will see posters in every classroom These 3 simple expectations guide everything we do

6 Wow Cards Process Teachers fill them out each month
Students receive a copy to take home to parents Recognizes positive behaviors

7 Mini WOws Process Teachers hand them out to reward positive behavior
Cash them in every Tuesday and Thursday in the Commons Menu of items to choose from including popcorn, candy, school supplies, and prize drawings

8 WOW CheckS Process Pick up your card from your 1st period teacher
Take to each of your teachers and have them fill it out at the end of each period Come down at 2:15 to check out in the office 2-3 weeks of success on the cards is the goal

9 What to do if… …you are having trouble in class? Talk with teacher or
Sign up on the counselor’s door …you or a friend are being bullied? Report it to an adult (administrator, teacher, counselor, etc.) or Sign up on the counselor’s door

10 Lunch time Routines Choices and Expectations 4 food choices everyday
Everyone stays in the Commons for at least the 1st 10 minutes Can choose going to the library or outside after you are done eating Make sure to clean up after yourself

11 Lockers/Library/Hallways/Electronics
Report any locker problems to Mr. Davis or Mr. O’Konek Don’t share your combo with anyone Library Open before school, after school, and at lunch You must have your ID (or temporary ID) to check out a book Hallways They get pretty crowded Keep moving Stay to your right Be where you are supposed to be (grade level hallways) Electronics Must be put away when you enter the school Stay put away until the last bell of the day

12 Fun Stuff Get involved in… We do have fun here too!!! Fall
7th and 8th Grade Sports Fall Football, Cross Country, & Volleyball Winter 1 (2nd Quarter) Boys Basketball & Dance Team Winter 2 (3rd Quarter) Girls Basketball & Wrestling Spring Track, Softball, & Baseball Clubs & Activities Drama Club (2 plays per year) Yearbook, National Junior Honor Society, Code Club, Art Club, Chess Club, & Math Teams Fun Stuff We do have fun here too!!!

13 More Fun Stuff Things we do around the building…
Student store Popcorn every Tuesday Wear College Gear on Mondays and Red & Black on Fridays Get a Jolly Rancher if you do Fun Fridays 3 times a year (dancing, games, contests, food, and fun) REST Stops Rewards for getting on the Honor Roll Pep Assemblies 4 times a year Just because we like doing it!!!

14 Any questions? What are three things (at least) that you are curious about?

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