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Welcome to Parent Night House of Mac Iver

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Night House of Mac Iver"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Night House of Mac Iver 2017-2018
Language Arts and Social Studies Brandi Beckham Math and Science Lindsay McIntyre

2 Curriculum Refer to handout for specific content information
Attend open team meetings in B330 from 10:00-10:30 for up-to-date curriculum information Dates are TBD...see team website and communication card

3 Math 1st Nine Weeks: Seven Units for the Year: Numeration Numeration
Place Value Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers Decimals Multiplying and dividing decimals Seven Units for the Year: Numeration Decimals Fractions Expressions, Equations, and Patterns Geometry Measurement and Data Personal Financial Literacy

4 Science 1st Nine Weeks: Lab Skills Lab Safety Lab Equipment
Measure Mass Scientific Method Testable Questions Scientist Research Project Matter States of Matter Properties of Matter Mixtures and Solutions Six Units for the Year: Lab Skills Matter Electricity and Magnetism Energy Earth Science and Solar System Plants and Animals

5 Social Studies Units Covered: Geography Latitude and Longitude
Colonies to Constitution ( ) Westward Expansion to Civil War ( ) Immigration, Industrialization, and Change ( ) Our Role in the World and the Technology Revolution (1950- Present)

6 Language Arts What we do in 5th Grade: Daily Grammar Practice
Independent Reading and Book Reports Novel Studies Current- Blood on the River Upcoming- Fever 1793 ($9 in Raider Shop) Writing- ELA Writing Portfolio Google Sites - House for all writing pieces grades 5-8

7 Library Students visit the Library every other Friday during Language Arts class starting September 29th 1st Quarter Dates: September 29th October 13th October 27th November 10th December TBD They may also visit during advisory

8 Blue Take-Home Folders
Check child’s communication card for teacher comments Sign communication card each weekend Six negative signatures in one week = No Fun Friday

9 Blue Take-Home Folders (Cont.)
Things to look for: Missing assignments Comments about behavior and organization Check for graded assignments and office notes to come home every Friday “Clean it out” every weekend

10 Composition Notebooks
One for each subject Notes Labs Warm-Ups

11 Yellow Homework Folders
“To Do” (Left Pocket) Nightly homework, rubrics, study guides “Completed” (Right Pocket) Work that needs to be turned into teacher Students are strongly encouraged to bring ear buds daily for classwork and homework.

12 Student Agenda Students should have homework written down every day
You could support us from home by: —Subscribe to our team Google calendar Use Chrome and make sure your student is logged in! —Monitoring agenda for homework completion —Asking questions… What do you have for homework? When is your next quiz, test, major assignment? Have you finished…??


14 Important Resources Team Webpage Important Dates
Links to teacher homepages Important documents and presentations Google Classroom Math homework, project details, curriculum resources, etc. HP Portal (Online Textbooks) Username: firstname.lastname Password: FL123456

15 Grading Policy Daily assignments are practice assignments, not averaged into their content grade Minor assessments 40% of their content grade include quizzes, quick checks, exit tickets, and typically cover less material than a major assessment Major assessments 60% of their content grade include unit tests, research papers, projects, presentations, and major lab reports

16 Reassessment Policy Students who receive a score lower than 85 may participate in a reassessment (This may look different for major vs. minor, and varies by teacher.) Students must contact the teacher/sign-up promptly and follow the reassessment procedures Students who retest will receive a maximum score of 85 The complete grading policy can be found on the MIS website

17 Office Hours Office hours (tutorials) will be offered by each teacher, please see teacher websites for schedules Students should notify their teacher if they plan to attend tutorials Occasionally, students will be asked to attend specific tutorial times

18 Absences and s Tina Nettleton when absent or leaving early Students should come to office hours to get help caught up on absent work that was missed Students have one day for every day absent to complete make-up work 3 days or more- work can be collected in the office We encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and to us with any questions

19 Sky Ranch Field Trip December 4-6, 2017
Student cost: $215 (This was available during back to school registration. If you did not purchase it then, you may send a check. Details to come!) Chaperone cost: $150 Meeting Dates: Sept. 28th — Informational Meeting in Auditorium at 5pm Nov. 1st — ALL payments due!!! Nov. 13th — Mandatory Chaperone Meeting at 5pm Sign up to be a chaperone TODAY!

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