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Probing hadron structure from hard processes

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1 Probing hadron structure from hard processes
Hiroyuki Kawamura (KEK) “New Hadrons” Workshop 2010 Feb. 28 RIKEN

2 Hard Processes Internal structure of hadrons can be probed by processes with large momentum transfer (“hard process”). Hard scale ↔ quarks & gluons inside hadrons. Inclusive & Initial Inclusive & Final DIS e+ e- → h + X h e e+ h PDF e- FF Exclusive & Initial /Final Exclusive & Decay Form Factor B → l nu gamma π π B LC wavefunction LC wavefunction

3 QCD Factorization Inclusive Exclusive
= factorization of hard and soft QCD dynamics Inclusive Calculable DIS = PDFs Theoretically easy to handle ,,, (Proof by O.P.E. ) Exclusive “End-point singularity” Information of w.f. is relevant even to show factorization. More elaborate setup needed. Brodsky & Lepage etc.

4 Global analysis of FFs Inclusive hadron production Factoriziation Data
In collaboration with Hirai, Kumano, Saito Inclusive hadron production Factoriziation Data Calculable

5 Fragmentation function
h ≈ probability density of a → h with mom. fraction z a DGLAP equation ↔ scale dep. Time-like splitting function ─ matrix form in flavor singlet channel HKNS07

6 HKNS07 results Mainly determined by LEP1 data at the Z mass.
Large uncertainties in gluon & sea quark components. ─ Can be reduced by mixing effects through evolution ─ High precision data from BELLE are crucial !! Data will be released soon.

7 Small-z problems for FF
de Florian, Stratmann, Vogelsang (‘98) (1) Time-like splitting functions Moch, Vogt (‘07) Double log corrections at each order of perturbation. Negative cross section at some value of z. log z resummation using angular ordering (color coherence) are known up to next-to leading order (MLLA). ─ Difficult to unify the evolutions in the small-z and intermediate region. Albino, Kniehl, Kramer, Ochs (‘04) Albino, Kniehl, Kramer (’04, ‘06)

8 (2) Hadron mass effect Unity at production threshold
Important for Belle data for K. “Rescaled” variable : There are still other power corrections (higher twist corr.). Naïve solution Set a lower limit : Conventionally, For BELLE data

9 FFs for Partonic structure can be explored by the shape of FFs.
Hirai, Kumano, Oka, Sudoh (‘08) Partonic structure can be explored by the shape of FFs. Tetraquark picture s-sbar picture soft (disfavored) hard (favored) Peak positions & 2nd moments Large uncertainty  no definite conclusion Data from Belle or Belle II are desirable.

10 Summery Internal structure of hadrons can be probed from hard processes. ─ Non-perturbative functions (PDFs, FFs, etc.) defined via “QCD Factorization” ↔ Internal structure of hadrons ─ Well-defined quantities extracted from experimental data. We are preparing for a new global fit of fragmemtation functions with the first Belle data is coming soon. ─ First high precision data at low → Impacts on ─ Small-z problems : timelike splitting functions,hadron mass effects, higher twist effects etc. Towards exploring internal structure of exotic hadrons ─ Fragmentation functions, exclusive production, decays with HQET

11 Fragmentation function
Operator definition DGLAP equation Time-like splitting function

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