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Published byAugust Hancock Modified over 6 years ago
INSPIRE Development of Annex II&III Data specifications Robert Tomas – JRC INSPIRE Team (EC-JRC Contact point for Geology & Mineral Resources, Soil, Natural Risk Zones) European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit
Objective Objective of the presentation is to explain the process of developing the INSPIRE data specifications for Annex II&III data themes and upcoming public consultation.
Content INSPIRE Data specification Methodology a roadmap
Testing and public consultation Summary
“Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community”
What is INSPIRE? “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community” Environment Distributed infrastructure General rules for establishment General rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe Community environmental policies Policies or activities which impact on the environment To be based on SDIs established and operated by the Member States Does not require collection of new spatial data Scope: Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes Entry into force 15 May 2007 34 spatial data themes 27 countries 23 languages European legislation 4
INSPIRE Components INSPIRE is a Framework Directive
Detailed technical provisions are (will be) laid down in Implementing Rules on Metadata Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, transformation, invoke) Data and Service sharing (policy) Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting Once adopted, Implementing Rules become European legislative acts and national law in 27 Member States and in some EFTA countries Does not require collection of new spatial data Does not affect existing Intellectual Property Rights Entered into force on the 15th of May 2007
Implementing Rules Status
3 December COMMISSION REGULATION as regards metadata. 19 October COMMISSION REGULATION as regards the Network Services. – discovery & view. 5 June COMMISSION DECISION as regards monitoring and reporting. 29 March COMMISSION REGULATION as regards the access to spatial data sets and services by the Member States to the Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions. 23 November COMMISSION REGULATION as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services. Annex I. - Annex II/III by end 2012 with the remaining 25 data themes. 23 November Amendment to COMMISSION REGULATION as regards the Network Services. – download & transform. - Invoking of spatial data services, is foreseen for mid-2012. 5 February Amendment to COMMISSION REGULATION as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services. – codelists for Annex I. Submissions: Include table with countries – name the missing ones Add few words on delays in reporting, when received. What about EEA countries – do they have reporting obligation (ENV to check) What will be the consequences for those who failed to report ? What will be the EC follow-up (other than publication ? ) we have some more detailed questions/clarifications per country
INSPIRE non-restrictive – transparent approach
Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs) 139 201 (+45%) 301 (+117%) 461 Legally Mandate Organisations (LMOs) 89 116 (+30%) 173 (+94%) 249 Proposed Experts 193 210 (+9%) 284 (+47%) 318 Referenced Materials 96 144 (+50%) 354 (+296%) Identified Projects 94 112 (+19%) 122 (+30%) Proposals testing Annex I data specifications 78 61
INSPIRE Data Content Annex II+III Data specifications development:
RS:Coordinate reference systems GG:Geographical grid systems GN:Geographical names AU:Administrative units AD:Addresses CP:Cadastral parcels TN:Transport networks HY:Hydrography PS:Protected sites Annex III SU:Statistical units PD:Population distribution – demography BU:Buildings SO:Soil LU:Land use HH:Human health and safety US:Utility and governmental services EF:Environmental monitoring facilities PF:Production and industrial facilities AF:Agricultural and aquaculture facilities AM:Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones & reporting units NZ:Natural risk zones AC:Atmospheric conditions MF:Meteorological geographical features OF:Oceanographic geographical features SR:Sea regions BR:Bio-geographical regions HB:Habitats and biotopes SD:Species distribution ER:Energy Resources Annex II EL:Elevation LC:Land cover OI:Ortho-imagery GE:Geology MR:Mineral resources (A III) Annex II+III Data specifications development: 19 Thematic Working Groups 8
Development of data specification - step wise process
Directive (2007) Modelling Framework for INSPIRE data specifications (2008) Data specifications for the 9 Annex I data themes (2009) Data specifications for the 25 Annex II/III data themes (2012) Part of the legal framework Implementation mandatory for European Member States Interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Implementing Rule) ( ) 9
Who is involved Thematic working groups (19 TWGs)
TWG facilitators TWG editors Domain experts INSPIRE Team (INSPIRE CT = DG EN, DG JRC, DG Eurostat) Technical coordination = JRC INSPIRE team Data Specifications Drafting Team (DS DT) Stakeholders Legally mandated organisations (LMOs) Spatial data interest communities (SDICs)
Data specification structure
follows ISO 19131 INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe D2.8.x.y. Data Specification on …… 1 – Scope 2 – Overview 3 – Specification Scopes 4 – Identification Information 5 – Data content and structure Application schemas 6 – Reference systems Coordinate R.S, Temporal R.S. 7 – Data quality Data quality elements 8 – Dataset-level metadata Metadata elements 9 – Delivery Encodings 10 – Data capture 11 – Portrayal Layer types, default styles
Methodology for Data Specification
follows ISO 19131 Use case development As-is analysis Identification of user requirements and spatial object types A repeatable methodology enabling to arrive from user requirements to a data specification through a number of steps Each step requires a specific practical action Gap analysis Data specification development Implementation, testing and validation Cost-benefit analysis
“The Balance Challenge”
Which level of interoperability is “just right”? Simple Complex Too simple: Identified requirements can not be fully supported Limited harmonisation Few benefits Too complex: Difficult to implement Substantial benefits available only to few users High costs 13
Extensions by MSs or communities
INSPIRE data specifications are not intended to cover all kinds of data requirements Legally Mandated Organisations in Member States will typically maintain more data than covered by INSPIRE data specifications Focus is on the spatial aspects Member States and thematic communities are encouraged to re-use the INSPIRE data specifications for their own usage Extend spatial object types and add new properties Specify additional constraints applicable to the own data sets Re-use of INSPIRE objects to spatially enable application data
Detailed roadmap for Annex II&III
Consultation and testing
To review the draft INSPIRE Annex II+III themes data specifications (Version 2.0) under real-world conditions To provide the first test bed for interaction with and between the participating stakeholders (teaming up, exchange of experience) Open for all registered SDICs and LMOs To report back to the INSPIRE CT and TWGs gained experience > will be used to improve the data specifications for v3.0 > the basis for amendment of the legal act
Types of Testing Feasibility testing main focus of testing
to measure technical feasibility and effort related to transforming existing data (e.g., from Member States’ organisations) into data compliant with the requirements and schemas proposed in the data specification documents. Fitness for purpose testing to assess the benefits of harmonised data specifications from an end-user or application point of view Provide cost-benefit information Related to the testing Contextual / not directly related to testing
Expected Outcomes From Testing SDICs/LMOs: Testing report via WebForm
Consultation From Testing SDICs/LMOs: Testing report via WebForm SDICs/LMOs: Comments delivered via XLS spreadsheet INSPIRE CT: Import of XLS comments to JIRA From Consultation INSPIRE CT:Import of XLS comments to JIRA Call for Consultation To be published Call for Testing Out Testing Reports (WebForm) XLS template for comments XLS template for comments SDIC/LMO DB Jira
Consultation and testing - resolution
Duration of the Consultation and Testing: 20 June until 21 October 2011 Several initiatives at National and European level to prepare this step: need to inform Comment resolution: Comments resolution including TWG “extended” meetings 24 October-02 December 2011 CRW December 2011 Comment resolution (cont.) 08 December to 27 January 2012 Delivery of DS v2.9: 24 February 2012 Internal revision DS v2.9: 27 Febr.- 23 March 2012 Preparation of DS v3.0 RC: 26 March – 20 April 2012 19
Testing environment
JRC will support the testing activities by providing a set of tools. INSPIRE Forum testing web site collaborative networking platform as part of the INSPIRE Forum web site to provide the source of relevant information, to support exchange of information, experience and knowledge among testers. This place will be also used for uploading and sharing the deliverables of the testing. Data Specification complete documentation 24 PDF documents of DS V2.0, UML models, GML (XSD) application schemas, GCM update document, INSPIRE Cost&Benefit considerations, Summary report from Annex I testing etc. Web conference – !!! At the beginning of the testing, a web kick-off meeting will be organised to introduce the goals of the testing and tools to support the testing.
Benefits for participants
Test how well one’s own data sets are aligned with INSPIRE data specifications. Be able to discuss problems, opportunities and technical options with other testing participants. It may help during the implementation. Contribute to and influence the further development of the INSPIRE data specifications and Implementing Rules. Evaluate how transformed data sets fits to one’s own data needs, procedures and processes. Also business opportunity
Status of registrations for testing
Total of registered proposals: 61 (14 of June 2011) Testers for Annex I 11 Testers for Annex II 35 Testers for Annex III 58 All 34 themes already “covered” by testers!!
Thank you! Welcome to the INSPIRE Conference:
Edinburgh, Robert Tomas, Ph.D – JRC INSPIRE Team
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