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Autoimmunity: Deletion of autoreactive B cells

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1 Autoimmunity: Deletion of autoreactive B cells
Ian C.M. MacLennan  Current Biology  Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages (February 1995) DOI: /S (95)00025-X

2 Figure 1 Photomicrograph of a section of rat spleen showing the B-cell compartments discussed in the text. The section is lightly stained with haematoxylin, which identifies the small lymphocytes with condensed chromatin in the T zone (TZ); this area stains light blue. The main stain on the section is for IgM, which is present on the surface of most B-cells; the stain is brown. Newly produced virgin B cells are found in the T zone and recirculating B cells pass through this area to the follicles (F). Some recirculating B cells mature and become marginal zone B cells. The marginal zones (MZ) lie outside the follicles. The remainder of the spleen is red pulp (RP); IgM-containing plasma cells are seen in this area. Microscope magnification × 100. Current Biology 1995 5, DOI: ( /S (95)00025-X)

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