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Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – Progress?

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – Progress?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – Progress?
Neil Holdsworth February 14, 2018 17th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels Marine Reporting Units (MRU’s) – Progress?

2 Explanation of the types of reported information
4geo (XML files) Shape files Assessment Areas and MW (.shp) 4geo (XML files) Updated Shape Files (.shp) MRU’s (Excel list)

3 Status by Country Country No Information 2017-2018 Before 2017
Current list of MRUs GIS files from previous reporting exercises  Country 4geo.xml from previous reporting exercises Feedback on list of MRU (Spreadsheet) MRUs (from updated 4geo or shapefiles) Assessment Areas Marine Waters Belgium Bulgaria Croatia* Cyprus Denmark Estonia France Finland Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom No Information Before 2017

4 Issues Encoding of Marine Reporting Units
In 2012, only 87 MarineUnitID codes matched in both the shape file and the 4geo.xml (see Table 1). MarineUnitID codes are long and include character spaces or special characters: - “ANS_DK_without Kattegat_outside 12 nautical miles zone” “L WADDENSEA” BLK_BG_AA_Coastal Same As BLK-BG-AA-Coastal?? Total number of unique MarineUnitID codes in shp 333 Total number of MarineUnitID codes in 4geo 126 MarineUnitID codes matched in both 4geo and shp 87 shp MarineUnitsID codes without a 4geo 248 4geo MarineUnitsID codes without a shp 41 MarineUnitID codes being NULL in shp 3 MarineUnitID codes being NULL in 4geo 1

5 Action Needed for MRU’s: Countries to improve and/or fix the coding
Encoding of Marine Reporting Units Action Needed for MRU’s: Countries to improve and/or fix the coding No mismatches among the 4geo and shape files sensible codes (if possible, following proposed codes from EEA)

6 Do not provide shape files for:
Process for submission of GIS files Do not provide shape files for: Coastal water bodies and territorial waters reported under the WFD (already available in EEA’s website ) ‘Coastal water bodies within RBD’ (the layer will be prepared by EEA/ETC) Marine regions and subregions (already available in EEA’s website ) Subdivisions of regions or subregions: available for the HELCOM and OSPAR areas

7 Do provide shape files for:
Process for submission of GIS files Do provide shape files for: MS part of MSFD region/subregion/subdivision that will be used as MRUs Other MRUs that are not included in the proposed list of MRUs By end of June 2018 Where to upload:

8 Mediterranean marine reporting units 2nd workshop

9 WG DIKE is invited to: ‘Now’work and Homework for WGDIKE
Confirm the status of provision of lists of: MRUs (spreadsheet) 4geo.xml files, and GIS shapefiles for MRUs MS marine waters; Where not yet provided, upload updated: 4geo.xml file and associated GIS files with the Marine Reporting Units (member state specific MRU’s) include any updated GIS files for MS marine waters, by 31. June 2018.

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