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Hitler and the Nazis 1933-1939.

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1 Hitler and the Nazis

2 Hitler in power 1933 Chancellor The Reichstag Fire
Night of Long Knives – Rohm + SA eliminated Fuhrer in 1934 (President Hindenburg died)

3 1936 Full employment – Volkswagen SS + Gestapo Concentration camps
Nuremberg rallies Nuremberg laws against Jews and Star of David; Built up army, navy, Hitler youth, maidens, censorship, propaganda

4 Hitler’s Road to War (1) 1933 – left Disarmament Conference
1934 – Night of Long Knives; Der Fuhrer, Supreme Commander of armed Forces - threatens Austria – backed down 1935 – Germany rearms; Rhineland (remilitarised) 1936 – Olympic Games in Germany 1936 – Pact of Steel, Anti-Comintern Pact

5 Hitler’s Road to War (2) 1938 – March – Anschluss with Austria
1938 – Sept – Sudetenland; Munich conference 1939 – March – Rape of Czechoslovakia 1939 – Sept – Invasion of Poland (following the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Aug 22, 1939)

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