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Presentation on theme: "Leveling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveling

2 Leveling : is the procedure used to determine difference in elevation between points that are some distance from each other

3 General Terms Elevation: is a vertical distance above or below reference datum Level line: is a line in level surface, a level surface is a curved surface. Mean sea level: reference datum that is universally employed in surveying studies

4 Leveling Concepts

5 Types of Surveying Levels
Automatic Digital Tilting Dumpy Rotary Laser

6 Engineers’ Automatic Level


8 Definitions for differential levelling
Bench Mark (BM): is a permanent point of known elevation ( published) Temporary Bench Mark: (TBM): is semi permanent point on known elevation. (nails in the rod of trees, not publish) Turning Point (TP): is a point temporarily used to transfer an elevation. Back sight: is a rod reading taken on a point of known elevation. Height of Instrument (HI): is the line of sight through the level. HI= Elev. BM + BS

9 Foresight (FS):is a rod reading taken on TP, BM , TBM to determine its elevation. HI-FS= Elev. of TP(or BM or TBM) Intermediate Sight (IS): is a rod reading taken in any other point where the elevation is required. HI-IS=Elev.

10 Leveling Procedure – One Setup

11 Leveling Procedure – One Setup

12 Leveling Procedure – One Setup

13 Leveling Procedure – Multiple Setups

14 Ex 1: complete accompanying set of differential leveling and perform the arithmetic check.
Station BS (m) HI (m) FS (m) Elevation (m) BM3 1.613 TP1 1.425 1.927 TP2 1.307 1.710 TP3 1.340 1.273 0.780

15 Ex 2: complete accompanying set of differential leveling and perform the arithmetic check.
Station BS FS Elevation BM7 4.368 82.206 TP1 6.907 4.538 TP2 4.680 8.800 TP3 3.730 5.978 TP4 8.464 5.245 3.598

16 Peg Test: The purpose of this test is to check the line of sight through the level is horizontal.

17 Peg test - Place two stakes at distance of (60-90 m) apart. - The level is setup midway(paced) between the two stakes - Road readings are taken at both locations. - If the line of sight through the level is not horizontal, the errors in road readings (Δl1) at both points A &B are the same. - The level is moved to the one of the points (A). - Road then held at A and then at B and normal sighting is taken (a2 &b2).

18 Peg test Example : refer to peg test figure First setup: Rod reading at A, a1= m Rod reading at B, b1= m The difference in elevation =0.172 m Second setup: Rod reading at A, a2= m Rod reading at B, b2= m The difference in elevation =0.163 m

19 Peg test From second setup there is an error. The second reading b2 would have been = m While the reading is m. So the error (Δl2) = = m along 60m distance The error is 0.009/60= m/m . Therefore, the collimation factor C is equal to m/m

20 Ex 3: Four stations C, A, B, and D were set out in a straight line such that CA = AB = BD = 30 m. A level was set up at C and readings of and were observed on vertically held staff at A and B, respectively, when bubble was at the Centre of its run. The level was then set up at D and readings of and were again observed at A and B, respectively. Determine the collimation error of the level and correct difference in level of A and B.

21 Ex 4: Fig. 1 shows a rectangle ABCD, in which A, B, and C are the stations where staff readings were obtained with a level set up at E and D. The observed readings are given in Table below. If A is a bench mark having elevation of 150 m, calculate the correct elevations of B and C.

22 Level Loop Adjustment E= 186.273-186.258= 0.015
Correction= cumulative dist./total distance BM Loop distances (km) Field elevation correction Adjusted Elevation 20 201 0.8 0.003 202 2.4 0.008 203 3 0.010 4.7 0.015

23 Mistakes in levelling 1- Misreading the meter rod value. 2- Not holding the rod in the correct location. 3- Resting the hand on the tripod while reading the rod 4- Entering the rod reading incorrectly (switching BS and FS). 5- Making mistakes in the note reduction arithmetic, 6- Mistakes in rod reading that do not form part of arithmetic check. Such as intermediate sights.

24 Suggestions for leveling work
1- Tripod legs should be tightened. 2- The surveyor should read the rod at either the top or the bottom of the cross hair. 3- Never move the level before a FS is taken. 4- Check to ensure that the level bubble remains centered. 5- Arithmetic can be eliminate by having the other crew members checking the notes. 6- All crew members should try to develop strict routines for doing their works.

25 Assignment 2

26 1) A level is set up midway between two wood stakes that are about 90 m apart. The road reading on stakes A is 2.65 m and it is 1.70 m on stake B. the level is then moved to point B and set up so that the eyepiece of the telescope is just touching the rod as it is held plumb on the stakes. A reading of 1.65 m is taken on the rod at B by sighting backward through the telescope. The level is then sighted on the rod held on stake A, where a reading of 2.61 m is record. a) What is the correct difference in elevation between the tops of stakes A & B? B) If the level had been in perfect adjustment, what reading would have been observed at A from the second set up? C) What is the line of sight error in 90 m.

27 2)reduce the following set of differential leveling If the distance error is 0.011m. Adjust the elevation of BM K 110. the length of the level run was 780 m, with setups equally spaced. The elevation of BM 132 is known to be m.

28 3) A sport hall to be constructing shown in Figure below
3) A sport hall to be constructing shown in Figure below. Laing out the site required to start from a known elevation point. Point A at the adjacent road street was chosen to be the starting known elevation point. The elevation of point A is 265 m and the reading was taken with a level is 2.72 m. The reading was taken with a level at point B is 1.09m. Determine the following: a- The elevation of the sport hall b- The level of the sport hall with respect to the adjacent road street.


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