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Causes of the war The war between Britain and France was raging on.

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2 Causes of the war The war between Britain and France was raging on.
The British continued the impressment of American sailors

3 Causes of the war The British were also interrupting American trade with Europe (particularly France) Impressment and blockades contributed to this.

4 Causes of the war The British were also supporting Native-American resistance in the western territories

5 What’s a president to do?
The 4th president, James Madison, was also trying to keep us out of the war. He could no longer avoid the anger of the American public

6 War Declared! The British announced that they would stop ruining American trade in order to avoid war. Too bad the message was slow to arrive.

7 The War Too busy to deal with the puny Americans, Britain concentrated on France for the first two years. Once Britain defeated Napoleon, all bets were off!

8 The War The British successfully blockade the Atlantic Coast in 1813.

9 The War The British capture and burn Washington DC in 1814

10 The War The war ends with the Treaty of Ghent in 1814

11 Two weeks later. . . The British invade New Orleans.

12 A hero emerges. . . General Andrew Jackson successfully defends New Orleans from British invasion, becoming a national hero

13 Results of the War 1. Increased American pride (b/c we didn’t get absolutely annihilated)

14 Results of the War 2. Increased American manufacturing (British blockade had cut us off from Europe)

15 Results of the War 3. Reduced Native-American resistance

16 The American System Riding the wave of American pride, a plan to America moved towards economic independence was concieved. 1. Increase tariffs to promote manufacturing 2. 2nd bank of US (to make a single currency) 3. Improve transportation.

17 The Erie Canal A canal (man-made waterway) was built between Lake Erie and Hudson River

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