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Subtracting Real Numbers

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1 Subtracting Real Numbers
ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-5 9. –4 10. 11 11. –10 12. –4 13. –2.1 14. –9.2 17. – 18. –1 19. 20. – 21. 3 22. 8 23. 6 24. 2 25. 13 26. 2 27. 6 28. 3 29. –10 30. 7 19 60 31. 1 32. 1 33. 3 34. 0 35. –7 36. –13 37. $50.64 38. –9.5 39. –1.5 40. –2 pages 34–36  Exercises 1. –1   2. –2   3. –6   4. –5   5. 1   6. –11   7. 14   8. 3   1 6 1 10 11 12 1-5

2 Subtracting Real Numbers
ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-5 43. –1 44. 16 45. –16 46. 11 47. 1 48. –2 ft 51. Answers may vary. Sample: 52. false; –1 – (–7) = 6, –1 + (–7) = –8 53. false; 2 – (–1) = 3, 3 < 2 or –1 54. true 55. a : 1997: b. c. Answers may vary. Sample: Invest in soccer; it is the only sport that has not lost any participants. 1.3 –0.3 0 –0.4 –1.4 –2.2 0.2 –0.3 –2.2 5 12 –3 7 4 6 5 10 1 6 –8 –3 = 1-5

3 Subtracting Real Numbers
ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-5 56. 57. [–   0   –3] 58. 59. a. Yes, answers may vary. Sample: n and –n always have the same absolute value. b. No, answers may vary. Sample: |1| + | –1| | 1 + (–1)|, 60. – 61. 62. –4x + 9 63. –12t – m 64. 65. 66. |x| – |y|, |x – y| and x – y, |x + y| 67. C 68. F 69. C 70. H 71. D 72. 4 73. –9 74. –0.7 75. –4.1 76. 77. 78. 2 –2 –9 3 1 4 29r – 35 16 –15w – 8 9 5 12 1 – – 1 4 0 0 16 1.2 –2.5 5.2 –3 6 –4 1 2 3 = / = / 9 20 37 60 1-5

4 Subtracting Real Numbers
ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 1-5 79–81. Choices of variables may vary. 79. t = total cost, p = pounds of pears, t = 1.19p 80. p = bouquet’s price, m = money left, m = 20 – p 81. c = check ($), s = your share, s = c 6 1-5

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