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COMPUTER 2430 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures I

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1 COMPUTER 2430 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures I

2 Container Classes Bag Set Sorted List . . .

3 Class Bag Container Can grow, but never shrink
The order of array elements is not maintained May or may not allow duplicate elements

4 public class Bag { private final int INIT_SIZE = ; private final int GROWBY = 500; private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; public void addObject( Object obj ) public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) private int find ( Object obj ) @Override public String toString () private void grow () }

5 public class CS2430Sx { public static void main(String[] args) Bag myBag = new Bag(); Object obj = new Object(); // Valid? myBag.addObject(obj); myBag.addObject(new Date()); myBag.addObject(new Student(“Frank”)); }

6 public class Bag { private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; public void addObject( Object obj ) if (numObjects == bag.length) grow(); bag[numObjects ++] = obj; } private void grow () int size = bag.length + GROWBY; Object[] temp = new Object[size]; for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i ++) temp[i] = bag[i]; bag = temp;

7 public class Bag { . . . // Allow duplicate? // Yes public void addObject( Object obj ) if (numObjects == bag.length) grow(); bag[numObjects ++] = obj; }

8 public class Bag { . . . // What if duplicates are not allowed? public boolean addObject( Object obj ) if (find(obj) != -1) return false; if (numObjects == bag.length) grow(); bag[numObjects ++] = obj; return true; } private void grow () private int find( Object obj )

9 It works for all classes: Polymorphism!
public class Bag { private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; /** Finds and returns the index of element in array bag that equals obj. @param obj the object to be found @return the index of the element if found, -1 otherwise */ private int find( Object obj ) for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i ++) if (bag[i].equals(obj)) return i; return -1; } It works for all classes: Polymorphism!

10 public class Bag { private final int INIT_SIZE = ; private final int GROWBY = 500; private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; // Maintain order public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) int index = find (obj); if (index > -1) -- numObjects; for (int i = index; i < numObjects; i ++) bag[i] = bag[i + 1]; return true; } return false;

11 // Maintain order public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) { int index = find (obj); if (index > -1) delete(index); return true; } return false; // Quiz 2 // Index is in the range and the operation will be successful! public void delete ( int index ) -- numObjects; for (int i = index; i < numObjects; i ++) bag[i] = bag[i + 1];

12 public class Bag { private final int INIT_SIZE = ; private final int GROWBY = 500; private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; // Do not maintain order public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) int index = find (obj); if (index > -1) bag[index] = bag[-- numObjects]; return true; } return false;

13 // Remove one object from the array
public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) { int index = find (obj); if (index > -1) delete(index); return true; } return false;

14 // Remove all objects from the array that equal obj
public int removeObject( Object obj ) { int count = 0; int index = find (obj); while (index > -1) delete(index); count ++; index = find(obj); } return count;

15 Any Other Meaningful Bag Methods?
public class Bag { private final int INIT_SIZE = 10000; private final int GROWBY = 100; private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; public void addObject( Object obj ) private void grow () public boolean removeObject( Object obj ) public int find ( Object obj ) @Override public String toString () } Any Other Meaningful Bag Methods?

16 public class Bag { private final int INIT_SIZE = 10000; private final int GROWBY = 100; private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int numObjects = 0; . . . public boolean isEmpty() return numObjects == 0; } public int getCount () return numObjects;

17 public class Bag { private Object[] bag = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; public Object getItem ( Object obj ) int index = find(obj); if ( index != -1 ) return bag[index]; return null; } Why we need this method?

18 GolfLeague theLeague = new GolfLeague();
GolfLeagueMember member = new SeniorMember(“Qi”, 80); System.out.println(member.toString()); // The scores and handicap for Qi has changed . . . member = theLeague.getItem(member);

19 SortedList Class The data declaration can be the same as that for the Bag. private Object[] list = new Object[INIT_SIZE]; private int num = 0; private final int GROWBY = 3; All the Bag methods we wrote would also work as SortedList methods, but the list must be in sorted order.

20 Method add Assume in ascending order. Where to insert a new object?
index i i num length-1 Assume in ascending order. Where to insert a new object? list[0] < obj list[1] < obj . . . list[i] < obj list[i+1] > obj Need a comparison method!

21 Method add Find the position to be added Move items down one position
index num length-1 New item Find the position to be added Move items down one position Add the new item Update num

22 Method delete Find the item (index) to be deleted
num length-1 Find the item (index) to be deleted Move items up one position Update num

23 Sort Method

24 Search Method

25 Quiz 2

26 Lab 3 Submission

27 Prog 2

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