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Types of Chemical Reactions

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1 Types of Chemical Reactions
Predicting Products Notes

2 Criss Cross Review

3 Review: Writing Formulas
Elements in representative groups have a specific charge Group 1: +1 Group 2: +2 Group 13: +3 Group 15: -3 Group 16: -2 Group 17: -1

4 Review: Writing Formulas
Reminders: Positive ion first, negative ion second Cations are metals Anions are nonmetals

5 Review: Writing Formulas
Write out the ions (atomic symbol with charge) Charge is memorized (representative groups) Or look on polyatomic ions sheet Transition metals should be given to you in the problem or work backwards from the given formulas Criss cross the charges. The charge on one ion becomes the subscript of the other ion. ADD THIS TO NOTES: If more than one polyatomic ion, need to use parentheses! Let’s practice #1-10

6 Predicting Products

7 Diatomic Molecules Review
There are 7 diatomic elements These elements exist in nature in a diatomic state Two atoms bonding together Always use the subscript 2 if any of these elements are a product H2, O2, Br2, F2, I2, N2, Cl2

8 Diatomic Molecules Review
How do you remember them? HOBrFINCl

9 Synthesis Reactions Two or more substances react to form a single product. A + B  AB TO I.D. - THESE HAVE TWO SIMPLE REACTANTS With synthesis, your job is to determine the ONE substance being formed. Steps: Write a compound that contains all of the reactants Use the criss cross method to write the new compound

10 Synthesis Practice Note: All transition metals below (Ni and Cu) have a 2+ charge. 1) Ba + O2  ___________________ 2) Li + Br2  ___________________ 3) Ni + F2  ____________________ 4) Cu + CO32-  __________________ 5) Cu + O2  ____________________

11 Decomposition Reactions
A single compound breaks down into two or more substances AB  A + B TO I.D. - THESE HAVE ONE REACTANT With decomposition, your job is to determine what the compound is breaking down into Steps: Attempt to break the compound into two elements or two compounds Split the single substance into two parts Don’t forget diatomic molecules

12 Decomposition Practice
1) CaCO3  ______________________________ 2) Al2(CO3)3  _____________________________ 3) HClO3  _______________________________ 4) Mg(OH)2  _____________________________ Don’t forget: HOBrFINCl

13 Combustion Reactions Hydrocarbon reacts with O2 to produce CO2 and H2O
CxHy +O2  CO2 + H2O TO I.D. – CH COMPOUND REACTING WITH OXYGEN Steps: Products are always CO2 and H2O

14 Combustion Practice 1) CH4 + O2  ___________________________ 2) C10H22 + O2  _________________________ 3) CH3OH + O2  ________________________ 4) C12H22O12 + O2  _______________________

Identify the type of reaction & then predict the products. 1) NH3  2) H2 + O2  3) H2S  4) LiClO3  5) CH4H10 + O2 

Identify the type of reaction & then predict the products. 6) CaO  7) Na + I2  8) NaHCO3  9) Al + O2  10) HgO  11) Ag + S  (Ag is +1)

17 Single Displacement Reactions
One element replaces another element in a compound A + BC  AC + B TO I.D. – ONE ELEMENT & ONE COMPOUND IN THE REACTANTS Steps: Use the activity series to determine if the single element will replace the first element in the compound The single element will bump the other one out only if it is HIGHER (more reactive) than the other element If the single element is NOT higher, then there is NO REACTION Watch diatomic molecules (HOBrFINCl) Example: H becomes H2

18 Single Displacement Practice
Activity Series Cs Cesium Li lithium Rb Rubidium K potassium Sr strontium Ba Barium Ca calcium Na sodium Mg magnesium Al aluminum Mn manganese Zn Zinc Cr chromium Fe iron Cd cadmium Co cobalt Ni nickel Sn tin Pb lead H hydrogen Sb antimony As arsenic Bi bismuth Cu copper Hg mercury Ag silver Pd paladium Pt platinum Au Gold Nonmetal F Cl Br I 1) Cu (1+) + AgNO3  2) Ag + Cu(NO3)2  3) Zn (2+) + H2SO4  4) Fe (2+) + H3PO4  5) Ba + AuSO4  6) Na + MgCl2 

19 Double Displacement Reactions
Negative ions switch compounds AB + CD  AD + CB TO I.D. – TWO COMPOUNDS IN THE REACTANTS Steps: In each compound, identify all of the positive and negative charges Switch the negative ions (OR can switch both of the positive ions) Criss method to determine new compounds

20 Double Displacement Practice
Silver (Ag) is always +1 and zinc (Zn) is +2 To chemical reactions reference sheet: Add NH4+1 Double Displacement Practice 1) BaCl2 + Na2CO3  2) Al2 (SO4)3 + H3PO4  3) HNO3 + NaCl  4) NH4Cl + Ba(OH)2  5) AgClO3 + Ni(NO3)2  6) PbCl4 + H3PO4 

Identify the type of reaction & then predict the products. MgCl2 + KBr  Ag + KNO3  Pb(NO3) KI  Zn + AgNO3  Al + H2SO4 

Identify the type of reaction & then predict the products. ZnCl2 + KOH  Mg + HCl  Mg(OH)2 + HCl  Sn(+2) + PbSO4  Zn + Fe2(SO4)3  Al + HCl 

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