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Bellwork 7.

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1 Bellwork 7

2 Bellwork 7-1 Edward Lee father actor businessman and meyer is running for office again. (There are 4(5) errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

3 Bellwork 7-2 We will invite Susan she is the new girl next door to are party. (There are 3 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

4 Bellwork 7-3 The mall closed it’s doors lifted into the air and flew off into space with a large and handsome truck stop. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. (There are 2 (3) errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

5 Bellwork 7-4 Sally gave me a horible haircut and expected an tip.
(There are 2 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

6 Bellwork 7-5 Well I passed the test granted I cheated but I passed.
(There are 3 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

7 Bellwork 7-6 Three of my favorit foods ravioli spaghetti and tiramisu originated in Italy. (There are 4 (5) errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

8 Bellwork 7-7 A even-toed ungulate which is better known as a camel keeps the sand out of it’s eyes with 3 eyelids. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. (There are 5 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

9 Bellwork 7-8 After Lee took a break to walk his Iguana and pet his Python he went back to work on his marshmellow sculpture. Directions: Write the statement above correcting all errors. (There are 4 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

10 Bellwork 7-9 A grate many people lost there fortunes and even there lives in the choas brung on by the French revolution. (There are 6 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

11 Bellwork 7-10 Many a writer has been labeled a renegade for refusing too conform too societys conventions. (There are 3 errors.) Learning Goal: I can find the grammatical errors in the above statement.

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