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Chapter 5.

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1 Chapter 5

2 Jeopardy 1 2 3 4 Vocab Renewable? Devices Same or Opposite?
Double Jeopardy

3 Friction, Contact or Induction?
Double Jeopardy MATH! Friction, Contact or Induction? Electrostatic Series 1 2 3 4 final jeopardy

4 Final Jeopardy Draw the steps and charges involved when you rub a balloon on your hair and then stick it to the wall. Indicate where you are charging objects by friction, contact, and/or induction.

5 Vocab 1 New appliances have this kind of label that states their typical energy consumption per year. What is an EnerGuide Label? jeopardy

6 Vocab 2 A material which does not allow electrons to move easily between atoms. What is an insulator? jeopardy

7 Vocab 3 A device that increases the voltage of a current.
What is a step-up transformer? jeopardy

8 Vocab 4 A current in which the electrons travel through a circuit in only one direction. What is a direct current? jeopardy

9 Renewable or non-renewable 1?
Solar. What is renewable? jeopardy

10 Renewable or non-renewable 2?
Hydroelectric. What is renewable? jeopardy

11 Renewable or non-renewable 3?
Coal. What is non-renewable? jeopardy

12 Renewable or non-renewable 4?
Nuclear. What is non-renewable? jeopardy

13 Devices 1 This is the term used to describe charging paint particles for use in painting vehicles. What is Electrostatic Spray Painting? jeopardy

14 Devices 2 This is a device that accumulates a very large charge and may cause your hair to stand on end! What is Van de Graaff generator? jeopardy

15 Devices 3 In a photocopier and laser printer, a drum coated in this element is given a charge. What is selenium? jeopardy

16 Devices 4 A device that uses electrical charges to reduce pollution from smoke stacks. What is an Electrostatic Precipitator? jeopardy

17 Same or Opposite? During charging by friction, both objects end up with _________ charges. What is opposite? jeopardy

18 Same or opposite? During charging by contact, both objects end up with _________ charges. What is the same? jeopardy

19 Same or opposite? _______ charges attract. What is opposite? jeopardy

20 Same or opposite? The reason that a charged object attracts a neutral object is because a charged object induces a ____________ in the neutral object. What is a charge separation? jeopardy

21 Math Percent Efficiency = ?? X 100
What is energy output divided by energy input? Double Jeopardy

22 Math 2 65 W = ?? kW What is 0.065kW? Double Jeopardy

23 Math 3 Total hours of use: 20 minutes per day, for two weeks
What 4.67 hours? Double Jeopardy

24 Math 4 A kettle has a power rating of 1.4kW and took 2 minutes and 30 seconds to boil water. We want to find out its efficiency. Its energy input is ______. What 210 kJ? Input = power x time = 1.4kW x 150s = 210kWs = 210kJ Double Jeopardy

25 Friction, Contact or induction 1?
What is contact? Double Jeopardy

26 Friction, Contact or Induction 2
What is contact? Double Jeopardy

27 Friction, Contact or Induction 3
What is friction? Double Jeopardy

28 Friction, Contact or induction 4
What is induction? Double Jeopardy

29 Electrostatic series 1 How do the following items become charged when you rub them together: glass with cotton. What is glass becomes positive, cotton becomes negatively charged? Double Jeopardy

30 Electrostatic Series 2 Rub foam on your hair.
What is hair becomes positive and foam becomes negatively charged? Double Jeopardy

31 Electrostatic Series 3 Lucite with fur.
What is lucite becomes negative and fur becomes positively charged? Double Jeopardy

32 Electrostatic Series 4 Ebonite and polyester.
What is polyester becomes positive and ebonite becomes negative? Double Jeopardy

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