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Openness Secrecy and Lesson 16.

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Presentation on theme: "Openness Secrecy and Lesson 16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Openness Secrecy and Lesson 16

2 Access Noun entry; a means of getting to something Verb
to enter or make available

3 cache Noun a hiding place for supplies or provisions
a hidden supply of goods or valuables

4 Conspicuous Adjective noticeable; attracting attention

5 Adjective hard to grasp Elusive

6 Inter Verb to bury; to place in a grave

7 Intrigue Noun a secret plot Verb to plot secretly to fascinate

8 O b s c u r i t y Noun Darkness
the condition of being difficult to understand the condition of being unknown or not famous

9 Seclude Verb to set apart; to hide from view

10 Unavailable Adjective
not at hand or not capable of being gotten; not ready for use

11 Unearth Verb to bring up out of the earth or from an unknown storage place; to uncover

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