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Personal Contact Information Charles Shields, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. Research Associate at University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Contact Information Charles Shields, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. Research Associate at University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Contact Information Charles Shields, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. Research Associate at University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Quick overview of classes taught; Legal background and interests

2 Review of Two Papers Richard T. Snodgrass, Stanley Yao and Christian Collberg, "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs," In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases, Toronto, Canada, August–September 2004, pp. 504–515. Kyri Pavlou and Richard T. Snodgrass, "Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering," in Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pages , Chicago, June, 2006.

3 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“ Overview of Paper
Emphasize the fact that audit logs be correct and verifiable Required now by several US Federal laws (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, etc.) Review of existing audit log techniques Presentation of their basic idea (converting the audit log to a transaction time database with periodic validation and notarization) Give some performance enhancements (e.g. opportunistic hashing, linked hashing) Performance graphs and final summary

4 Transaction Time Database
A subset of “Temporal Databases” A temporal database is a database that tracks, among other things, two different time parameters: valid-time and transaction-time. Valid time denotes the time period during which a fact is true with respect to the real world (i.e. “real” time) Transaction time refers to the time period during which a fact is stored in the database. Bitemporal data combines both Valid and Transaction Time.

5 Transaction Time Database
Records and retains the history of its content. [1] All past states are retained and can be reconstructed from the information in the DB. Past state reconstruction enabled by the append only property: [1] All new information is added only No information is ever deleted. In addition, the transaction time component must be auditable. That is, An audit log is maintained Can be examined later by a validator

6 Transaction Time Database
Ultimate goal is to have enough information to both: detect a bad event determine exactly when, how, and by whom it occurred.

7 Transaction Time Database
Transaction time table contains all the columns a normal database table might have, with two extra fields: Start and Stop. START: tracks when the data item was added to the database (transaction time) STOP: tracks different states of the row (tuple) Example operations that maintain history: Deletion: STOP marked deleted, but row is retained Modification: Deletion of old value; insertion of new Invisible to user; maintained by DBMS. Extra fields are carried for each tuple (row).

8 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“ Main Steps of Basic Algorithm
On each modification of a tuple, the DBMS: Gets a timestamp for the modification Computes a cryptographically strong one-way hash of the (new) data and the time stamp together. Sends that value to a trusted notarization service, which sends back a unique Notary ID based on that value. The Notary ID is then stored with the tuple.

9 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“ Important observations – Basic Algorithm
If the data or timestamp are modified, the ID will be inconsistent with the new tuple (i.e. detected when rehashed and re-notarized). Holds even if intruder has access to the hash function. He can calculate a new hash, but it won’t match the ID. It is very important that the ID cannot be calculated from the data in the database (i.e. must be calculated by an independent and trusted source): This prevents an intruder from changing the database and then recalculating the ID.

10 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“ Validation
An independent and trusted audit log validation service can then be used to verify the integrity of the DB. For each tuple (basic algorithm), the validation service will rehash the data and time-stamp, recalculate the ID, and compare. Called a “Validation Event” (VE) Inconsistencies are reported as an “Corruption Event” (CE).

11 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“
Modern systems can update thousands of tuples per second, leading to time efficiency problems. Optimizations seek to minimize the time spent calculating hashes and interacting with the notarization service: Opportunistic hashing Reduce the interactions with the notary to one per transaction, rather than to one per tuple. Linked hashing Final commit hash done at midnight each day. Reduces the interactions with the notary to one per day creates a “hash chain” that can be used in later analysis

12 Hashing Functions Verifying the accuracy of the copy
A hashing function can be used to generate a “digest” specific for each file. The digest is usually a hexadecimal number that is, with a high probability, unique for each file. A hashing function is secure if, for a given algorithm, it is computationally infeasible to find a message that corresponds to a given message digest, or to find two different messages that produce the same message digest (i.e. “collision”) In general, any change to a message will, with a very high probability, result in a different message digest. Failure called a “collision”

13 Hashing Functions -- MD5
MD5 Hash Function Most commonly used (although it has been shown to have flaws (i.e. collisions)) developed by Ronald Rivest, 1991. produces a 32 character (16 digit) hex number. Example of MD5 hash: md5.exe 609F46A341FEDEAEEC18ABF9FB7C9647 Demo

14 Hashing Functions Reduce work load
Hashing functions can be used to cut down on the number of files that have to be analyzed. Databases of known hash results are maintained (e.g. KFF – “Known File Filter” in FTK) Can be used to identify “Known Bad” files Hacking tools Training manuals Contraband photographs Ignore “Known Good” files Microsoft Windows files Standard application files Standard build files (corporate server deployments)

15 "Tamper Detection in Audit Logs“ Summary of main points
Main contributions of first paper: the DBMS can maintain a transaction-time audit log in the background transactions can be cryptographically hashed to generate a secure, one-way hash of the transaction the transaction hash can be notarized by an independent and trusted service to generate a unique and secure ID value. optimizations that reduce the overhead

16 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Overview of Paper
Motivates the need for forensic analysis (e.g. legal requirements, need to determine who, what, and when). Reviews the contributions of first paper Defines the “Corruption Diagram” and gives an example Gives details of and comparisons between the four algorithms discussed Describes the notion of “forensic strength” Related work, summary

17 From:

18 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Basic Definitions
Corruption Event (CE) any event that corrupts data or compromises the database Corruption Time (tc) Notarization Event (NE) (tn) Notarization Interval (IN) Validation Event (VE) (tv) Validation Interval (IV) Corruption locus data (lc) the data that have been corrupted Locus time (tl) the time when the locus data (lc) were stored

19 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering”
A “Corruption Diagram” is used to perform the analysis. Terminology (based on temporal database): x axis is the “transaction time” (“where” axis) y axis is the actual (i.e. “valid”) time (“when” axis) action axis – 45 degree line relating the transaction time and valid time tfvf – time of “first validation failure” – time when corruption of log first detected by a VE See example, p112 of paper (data only event)

20 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering”
Once corruption has been detected, the forensic analyzer begins working. Objective: to define the corruption region, i.e. the bounds on the “where” and “when” of the CE, as narrowly as possible. The paper presents four algorithms for doing this: Trivial Forensic Analysis algorithm Monochromatic Forensic Analysis algorithm RGB (Red-Green-Blue) algorithm Polychromatic algorithm

21 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Monochromatic Forensic Analysis
Let’s use the “Monochromatic Forensic Analysis” algorithm to define the Corruption Region: the analyzer rehashes the log from the beginning to determine the time of “most recent validation success” (trvs). This is the “Lower Spatial Bound” = LSB. “Upper Spatial Bound” (USB) = LSB + IN “Lower Temporal Bound” (LTB) = tFVF – IV “Upper Temporal Bound” (UTB) = tFVF Refer to example

22 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Classification of Corruption Events
Time of Occurrence: Retroactive CE: locus time (tl) occurs before the second to last validation event (VE) Introactive CE: tl occurs after the next to last VE Type of Corruption: data only backdating: a timestamp is changed to indicate a time earlier than the tuple time postdating: timestamp changed to indicate a later time

23 This leads to 6 different types of Corruption Events:
“Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Classification of Corruption Events This leads to 6 different types of Corruption Events: X Retroactive Introactive Data only Backdating Postdating

24 Each of the four algorithms handles these events differently
“Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Classification of Corruption Events Each of the four algorithms handles these events differently See Fig 4 for an example for postdating and backdating CE’s.

25 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Summary
Rest of the paper describes in detail the four algorithms: Trivial Forensic Analysis algorithm when tFVF detected, return entire upper triangle Monochromatic Forensic Analysis algorithm calculate LSB, USB, LTB, and UTB as in example RGB (Red-Green-Blue) algorithm localizes Corruption Region more tightly by re-hashing selected portions of the database (instead of the entire hash chain) Polychromatic algorithm adds additional hash chains to reduce the size of the corruption region to one day

26 “Forensic Analysis of Database Tampering” Summary
The forensic strength of an algorithm is determined by: the effort or work of the analysis, i.e. the effort it takes to calculate tc, tl, and tp the region area the uncertainty

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