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Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend

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1 Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend
3rd Grade Adventures MAUE October 30 - November 3 Language Word of the week: Similar Skill: Theme, ”Big Idea” of a story Reminders Field trip is Friday!! Please do not forget to send a lunch with your child. We WILL NOT BE EATING IN THE CAFETERIA ON FRIDAY. Veteran’s Day Program Nov. 8th – send back form if you have a veteran that is coming Thanksgiving Feast Nov. 17th Book Fair Nov. 14th -17th Grandparents day at Book Fair- Nov. 14th Word Study We will be working on reading fair boards this week in class, and we have a field trip on Friday so there will be no word study this week. Happy Halloween!! Parents, please make sure your child is not bringing Halloween candy to school. ***Send a sack lunch to school with your child on Friday, November 3rd!!*** Reading/Vocabulary Fondly- in a loving or caring way Mist- a fine spray or light fog Peak- the pointed top of something Rugged- rough and uneven Pausing- stopping briefly Steep- having a sharp slope Examined- looking at closely Pleaded- argued or begged Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend We will be reading this in class over the next two weeks. We will have a test on this story/vocabulary next Friday. Math and Science Math: Topic 6: Multiplication Test on Topic 6 lessons 6-9 on Friday! Multiplication facts review quiz 0-6x on Friday!

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