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Welcome to Power Electronics Course

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Power Electronics Course"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Power Electronics Course

2 Instructor Dr. Kar 23 Old Drama Office Hour: Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

3 Graduate Assistants Tomi Hila Essex Hall Office Hour: Fatima Ghousia B20 Essex Hall Office Hour: Anas labak B20 Essex Hall Office Hour:

4 Texts Class Lectures: “Power Electronics” by Mohan, Undeland and Robins, 3rd Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Projects/Laboratory Experiments/Tutorials: “Power Electronics Lab Manual" by N. Kar (to be posted soon)

5 Class Location and Time
Room 186, EH Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30 am - 9:50 am

6 Tutorials/Laboratory Experiments/Projects
Four tutorials Three labs/mini projects. Detailed instructions on lab/project report/format will be given at a later time.

7 Marking Scheme Attendance (5%) Midterm Exam No. 1 (20%)
Final Examination (45%) Laboratory Experiments/Projects (10%)

8 Course Contents 2. Diode Rectifiers 3. Thyristor Converters
1. Review of diodes, BJTs, MOSFETS, IGBTs, RLC circuits, etc. 2. Diode Rectifiers to convert the input ac into dc in an uncontrolled manner 3. Thyristor Converters to convert the input ac into dc in a controlled manner 4. DC-DC Switch-Mode Converters Step-down (buck) converter Step-up (boost) converter Step-down/step-up (buck-boost) converter Cuk converter Full-bridge converter 5. Switch-Mode DC-AC Inverters ac motor drives Uninterruptible ac power supplies Where a sinusoidal ac output is required whose magnitude and frequency both have to be controlled

9 Course Contents (Cont’d) 6. Application of Power Electronic Systems
Battery Charging Renewable Energy from Wind Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) DC and Induction Motor Drives: A motor drive consists of An electric motor A power electronic converter And possibly a speed and/or position sensor Applications Servo motor drives in robotics Variable-speed drive for adjusting flow rates in pumps

10 SET Forms Student Evaluation of Teaching forms will be administered during the last two weeks of the class.

11 Scope and Applications

12 Power Flow through Converters
An ac/dc converter is shown here Converter is a general term Converters: rectifier (ac – dc) and inverter (dc – ac) Rectifier mode of operation when power from ac to dc Inverter mode of operation when power from ac to dc

13 Power Processor as a Combination of Converters
A converter is a basic module or building block of a power electronic system Converters: rectifier (ac – dc) and inverter (dc – ac) Energy storage elements (inductors and capacitors): decouple the input and the output sides

14 AC Motor Drives Converter 1 rectifies line-frequency ac into dc
Capacitor acts as a filter; stores energy; decouples Converter 2 synthesizes low-frequency ac to motor

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