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Mrs. Savoie’s Class Honors 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Savoie’s Class Honors 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Savoie’s Class Honors 10

2 Materials needed Three-ring binder (1 ½ to 2 inch, no larger)
Subject dividers for DGP, Vocabulary, & Handouts Notebook paper Pens/Pencils

3 Optional items requested…
Bottle of hand sanitizer Box of tissues Container of disinfecting wipes

4 Rules Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.
Be prepared with the proper materials. Be courteous and respectful. Be on task at all times. Follow the student handbook rules set forth by Limestone County Board of Education.

5 Phone / device policy Use of electronic devices (phones, tablets, lap tops) is not allowed in this class unless the teacher considers the use necessary for the academic productivity of the lesson. The use of ear buds and headsets is also prohibited. No phones in your hands or on your desks. The teacher reserves the right to confiscate the device if this guideline is not followed.

6 Failure to comply with the classroom rules will result in verbal warnings, detention assignment, teacher conference, or office referral (depending on the severity of circumstances).

7 Make-up work – excused absence
It is the responsibility of the student to arrange all make-up work. Students with EXCUSED absences are permitted 5 school days to complete and submit their make-up work. Work is due before the end of the 5th day. Unsubmitted work will earn 0%. Always refer to the clip board beside the door when you have been absent.

8 Unexcused absences The student whose absence is unexcused is not entitled to make up the graded work missed. If a daily or test grade is recorded on the day of absence, the student whose absence is unexcused receives a zero for a grade.

9 Academic honesty Anyone caught cheating will not receive credit for the work in question. This includes any student who cooperates in the cheating (per Limestone County Board of Education). Reminder: Plagiarism is cheating!

10 Grading All tests, essays, projects, and notebooks are graded equally in this class. Graded assignments will be distributed and kept in folders within the classroom. Please use your iNow-Chalkable login to check your grades regularly.

11 report card grades A B C D F

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