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Start testing your SSIS packages with ssisUnit

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1 Start testing your SSIS packages with ssisUnit
SQL Saturday Oslo, 1st September 2018

2 A big thanks to all of our sponsors!

3 Download the slides and the code
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4 Bartosz Ratajczyk SQL Server 7N, trainer Works with SQL Server for over 12 years Advisory Board member of Data Community Poland SQLDay conference co-organizer Open source contributor (dbatools, ssisUnit) SQL Saturday volunteer @b_ratajczyk

5 „I’m already testing…”
Manually setting the parameters Manually running the packages Manually disabling the tasks Manually enabling them again Manually running the code in SSMS Are you sure the table has 0 records? Did you commit with all tasks enabled? Is it setting the variable’s value? Does it work with unexpected parameters?

6 How about Writing tests for the packages or tasks? Running tests automatically? Using free tools? (or free and paid if you wish)?

7 My goal (achieved)

8 SSIS testing options Write your own solution SSISTester
BEST (BIML Enabled SSIS Test) ssisUnit BiXpress LegiTest ORAYLIS BI.Quality DbFit BizUnit Write your own: (Kenneth Ross) (Kevin Holditch) SSISTester BEST Scott Currie (PASS Summit 2014) A New Approach to Unit Testing and Integration Testing in SSIS Reeves Smith (SQL Rally 2015) Reeves Smith_A New Approach to Unit and Integration Testing in SSIS ssisUnit BiXpress / Pragmatic Workbench SSIS Unit LegiTest BI.Quality DbFit BizUnit LegiTest Green == commercial tool

9 ssisUnit Why, and what is it?

10 ssisUnit Testing framework by John Welch Open source, C#, XML
With a GUI and an API Released on CodePlex in 2008 Works with SSIS 2005 – 2014 (and 2017) Used in Pragmatic Workbench (only for SSIS 2005 – 2014)



13 ssisUnit Test Suite Test Suite contains Tests
Tests have Asserts (definitions of the expected test outcome) Asserts have Commands (run to get the test outcome) Tests apply to Packages and tasks in the packages Commands can use Connections and Datasets Tests and Test Suite can have Setup and Teardown phases

14 Commands Project and package parameters Comparing data Working with directories Using files Running programs Package and project properties Running SQL code Operations on variables

15 Test file structure

16 Test fragment

17 Libraries SsisUnitBase.dll (< 20kB) SsisUnit<version>.dll SsisUnit2017.dll (< 150 kB)

18 DEMO Starting with ssisUnit

19 Starting simple Parameters Variables Expressions Variables scope
Sensitive values ParameterCommand VariableCommand

20 Getting further Merging data with SQL Task SqlCommand

21 Automation ssisUnit + MSTest + TFS

22 Why use an additional test framework?
ssisUnit has its own test runners (GUI + cmd) Both not suitable for easy automation and analysis Let’s use a test runner from VS!

23 DEMO Using ssisUnit with MSTest and TFS

24 Starting simple with MSTest – [TestMethod]

25 (and some additional methods)

26 Getting a bit further – T4 template

27 Target acquired

28 Step forward – using ssisUnit API

29 Summary ssisUnit helps you easily start with testing (GUI)
You can integrate it with CI/CD tools You can write the tests in XML or using ssisUnit API

30 Now, ask me some questions

31 A big thanks to all of our sponsors!

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