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Ecology The study of the relationship of living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem: Biodiversity Population in check (right number.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology The study of the relationship of living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem: Biodiversity Population in check (right number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology The study of the relationship of living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem: Biodiversity Population in check (right number of consumers and producers) Nutrient recycling high

2 Parts of an Ecosystem Biotic factors Abiotic factors Species
Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere Habitat Niche

3 Relationships found in ecosystems:
Predation Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism

4 Organisms and Their Environment

5 Habitat & Niche Habitat is the place a plant or animal lives in
Niche is the adaptations and strategies a species uses in it’s environment.

6 The Nonliving Environment
Abiotic factors- the nonliving parts of an organism’s environment. Examples include air currents, temperature, moisture, light, and soil. Abiotic factors affect an organism’s life.

7 The Living Environment
Biotic factors- all the organisms that live or have lived in an environment. All organisms depend on others directly or indirectly for food, shelter, reproduction, or protection.

8 Abiotic or Biotic? Abiotic

9 Abiotic or Biotic? Biotic

10 Abiotic or Biotic? Abiotic

11 Abiotic or Biotic? Biotic

12 Abiotic or Biotic? Abiotic

13 Abiotic or Biotic? Biotic

14 Abiotic or Biotic? Abiotic

15 Abiotic or Biotic? Biotic

16 Abiotic or Biotic? Abiotic

17 Levels of Organization

18 1st Level of Organization
Organism/Species: An individual living thing that is made of cells, uses energy, reproduces, responds, grows, and develops

19 Levels of Organization
Group of organisms that can reproduce Species/ Organism

20 2nd Level of Organization
Population: A group of organisms, all of the same species, which interbreed and live in the same place at the same time.

21 Levels of Organization
Group of organisms that can reproduce Species/ Organism A group of one species Population

22 3rd Level of Organization
Biological Community: All the populations of different species that live in the same place at the same time.

23 Levels of Organization
Group of organisms that can reproduce Species/ Organism A group of one species Population Populations of different species Community

24 4th Level of Organization
Ecosystem: Populations of plants and animals that interact with each other in a given area with the abiotic components of that area. (terrestrial or aquatic)

25 Levels of Organization
Group of organisms that can reproduce Species/ Organism A group of one species Population Populations of different species Community Community + abiotic factors Ecosystem

26 5th Level of Organization
Biosphere: The portion of Earth that supports life.

27 Levels of Organization
Group of organisms that can reproduce Species/ Organism A group of one species Population Populations of different species Community Community + abiotic factors Ecosystem Portion of the earth that supports life Biosphere/Biome

28 Population Biosphere Species Community Ecosystem Biome Niche Habitat
Place the terms in order from the simplest to the most complex. Population Biosphere Species Niche Community Habitat Ecosystem Biome

29 What level of organization?

30 What level of Organization?

31 What level of Organization?

32 Limiting Factors Do populations often grow exponentially?
What are limiting factors? Limiting factors are any factors (things) that affect an organism’s ability to survive in its environment. These factors affect population growth. Examples? availability of food and water, predators, temperature, space/shelter, and disease Discuss the first question with students, then move onto the concept of limiting factors. Students should note that usually populations are not able to continue growing exponentially. You may need to explain the concept of exponential growth, depending upon students background in this concept in math class. Ask students to name possible examples first, before showing them the answer.

33 Competition What is competition? Examples?
Competition is one of the many symbiotic relationships occurring in nature. Members of species compete for resources, especially for limited natural resources. Examples? trees that grow very close together vie for sunlight and soil nutrients, lions and tigers that vie for similar prey, and a farm of rice paddies with weeds growing in the field Again, discuss with students first, before showing them the “right answer”.

34 Competition What happens to competition between individuals as population size increases? Competition will also increase. If the demand for resources exceeds the supply, then the population size will eventually decrease. Again, discuss with students first, before showing them the “right answer”.

35 Symbiosis Means living together. Four kinds of symbiosis Mutualism
Commensalism Parasitism Predation

36 Mutualism Both species benefit
The ants protect the acacia tree by attacking any animal that tries to feed on the tree. The tree provides nectar and a home for the ants.

37 Commensalism The barnacle benefits by finding a habitat where nutrients are available. (In the case of lodging on the living organism, the barnacle is transported to new sources of food.) The presence of barnacle populations does not appear to hamper or enhance the survival of the animals carrying them. One species benefits and the other species is neither harmed nor benefited.


39 Parasitism One species benefits at the expense of the another species.
Ticks are blood-sucking parasites. Some ticks transmit diseases as they obtain nutrients from their host.

40 Predation Predator-prey relationship Predator hunts & kills
Prey is hunted & killed


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