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#1 Work is infinite! So you can either tame it by setting parameters, OR work endlessly trying to finish everything – your choice! If you are smart,

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Presentation on theme: "#1 Work is infinite! So you can either tame it by setting parameters, OR work endlessly trying to finish everything – your choice! If you are smart,"— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 Work is infinite! So you can either tame it by setting parameters, OR work endlessly trying to finish everything – your choice! If you are smart, you’ll choose the former, working productively for a set time period, then packing up and going home. Work is infinite and you will never be ‘finished’ so decide to contain it in a set time slot instead.

2 #2 Be realistic! Unless you are a doctor – no one is going to die if you don’t do what you think is a ‘perfect’ job. Get some perspective, focus on the core task, message or lesson and less on the superfluous peripherals. They look nice but rob you of precious time.

3 #3 Cloberate! (pun intended)
If you have a family, use the whole family to problem solve. Present the issues in a family meeting, “here’s what needs to get done, how are we going to achieve it?” By involving them in crafting solutions they just may come up with some helpful ideas and it sets everyone up as equal partners which builds good relationship skills for their future too!

4 #4 Power Down Realise when it is time to ‘power down’. You probably want to have a long and rewarding career, and you probably also want a satisfying personal life. Sometimes one or the other might have to ‘give a little’. Talk to your employer about reducing hours, job-sharing or other job design solutions. Then, when the time is right, ramp up your participation again with a renewed vigour and appreciation.

5 #5 Be Kind Finally, be kind to yourself. Become aware of how much ‘mental time’ you spend thinking of all the things you haven’t done. Sometimes we spend more time beating ourselves up than actually getting on with the task. And BTW, did anyone else notice it wasn’t done? Maybe it wasn’t so important after all. Play the long game, and choose your activities based on their impact in years to come, impact on you, your family and your students.

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