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The Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression

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1 The Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression
Regents Review The Roaring Twenties and The Great Depression

2 Economic Prosperity Automobile required new industry. Change in lifestyle. Mass consumption- buying on credit. New industries- household appliances.

3 Prohibition Poverty, crime and a break down of families caused it to be passed. 18th amendment banned the sale of alcoholic beverages. “Noble experiment” Created organized crime 21st repealed the 18th because it was “unenforceable”

4 Scopes Trial Tennessee outlaws the teaching of Darwin’s theory of evolution because it contradicted the bible. 1925 John Scopes, a biology teacher was arrested, tried and convicted of teaching evolution. Clash between new scientific thinking and older religious beliefs.

5 New Values Women- flappers- Right to vote Marathon dancing
Heroes- Lindbergh- solo Atlantic flight, Babe Ruth. Radio, movies

6 Causes of the Great Depression
Speculation- buying on margin Overproduction on farms and factories Uneven distribution of income American tariffs protected American markets. Stock market crashed Dust Bowl

7 Results Relief, Recover and Reform
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Securities and Exchange Commission Social Security Tennessee Valley Authority

8 Hoover Laissez Faire Market would repair itself
Hoovervilles, Bonus Army March

9 FDR New Deal- government has responsibility of improving the economy.
Presidents job to find a way back to prosperity. Fireside chats

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