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Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary
Acts III, IV, & V

2 Abhors [verb] To reject vehemently; to regard with extreme dislike.
[Mr. Rustin abhors wearing a necktie].

3 Appertaining [verb] To belong as a proper function or part of; relating to. [In U.S. History class, students study information appertaining to the United States].

4 Arbitrating [verb] To submit to settlement or judgment by arbitration or mediation. [The arbitrating child tried to make a deal with the strict babysitter.]

5 Beguiled [verb] To deceive by guile or craftiness.
[The man was beguiled by the attractive woman].

6 Beseech [verb] To request earnestly.
[The businessman beseeched his boss for a raise].

7 Consort [noun/verb] A companion or partner; to be a companion or partner of. [John Lennon and Paul McCartney were songwriting consorts].

8 Cull [verb] To gather; to collect.
[Steven culled his stamps for his stamp collection from all over the world.]

9 Dirge [noun] A funeral hymn or lament.
[The organist played a funeral dirge that filled the sanctuary.]

10 Impeach [verb] To challenge the validity of; to try to discredit.
[Though officially impeached, President Clinton was never removed from office until the end of his second term.]

11 Inundation [noun] The state of being covered with water; being overwhelmed. [The small state suffered an inundation by the flash flood].

12 Mantle [noun] A cloak. [The figure was not easily seen, covered in a dark mantle].

13 Orison [noun] A prayer. [The muslim man offered up his orison to the heavens.]

14 Penury [noun] A state of destitution; experiencing extreme want.
[The migrant woman grimly faced penury, not having prospects for food, clothing, or shelter.]

15 Presage [noun] An omen. [She didn’t need a crystal ball to see the future; the presage in her mind helped her to see the shape of things to come. ]

16 Prorogue [verb] To defer or postpone.
[Mr. Rustin has a horrible habit of proroguing tasks that should be done immediately.]

17 Solace [verb/noun] To comfort in sorrow; comfort during sorrow.
[Most people can find solace in their friends, relying on them to provide emotional comfort].

18 Tedious [adjective] Moving or progressing very slowly.
[It would be a tedious job to count all the grains of sand found in a desert].

19 Validity [noun] Well-grounded or justifiable; being at once relevant and meaningful. [The teacher looked over his test review, ensuring the validity of the assignment in preparing students for the upcoming test].

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