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2 Interval Notation

3 Intervals (a, b) [a, b] [a, b) (a, b] (a, ) [a, ) (-, b) (-, b]
Notation Graph Set-builder Notation (a, b) [a, b] [a, b) (a, b] (a, ) [a, ) (-, b) (-, b] (-, ) b b

4 • ◦ ∞ Domain & Range domain: left < x < right Always write
range: low < y < high Interval Notation End Marking Notation Use [ or ] Use ( or ) Use ( or ) ∞ always gets parenthesis!!

5 State the domain of

6 State the domain of

7 D: R: [-5, 3] [-3, 4] Interval Notation
Start with the domain- how far to the left does the function go? -5 What is the end marking? What interval symbol will you use? Closed dot, so [ How far to the right does the domain go? What symbol will we use? 3, closed dot so ] Now to the range- What is the lowest point my function reaches? What symbol? -3, [ What is the highest? Symbol? 4, ] D: R: [-5, 3] [-3, 4]

8 D: R: [-8, ∞) (- ∞ , 4] Interval Notation
Start with the domain- how far to the left does the function go? -8 What is the end marking? What inequality symbol will you use? Closed dot, so [ How far to the right does the domain go? What symbol will we use? Infinity, ) Now to the range- What is the lowest point my function reaches? What symbol? Negative infinity, ( What is the highest? Symbol? 4, ] D: R: [-8, ∞) (- ∞ , 4]

9 Over what intervals is f(x) > g(x)
Where is f(x) = g(x) (-1,0) & (2,3) Over what intervals is f(x) > g(x) Over what intervals is f(x) < g(x)

10 Extreme values can be in the interior or the end points of a function.
No Absolute Maximum Absolute Minimum


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