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Presentation on theme: "2 YEARLY MEDICAL EXAMINATION & IMPORTANCE OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION by Dr"— Presentation transcript:


2 Occupational Health HEALTH- Is the state of complete well being, not only the absence of disease but a state of optimum physical, mental and social well being. Occupational Health concerns the protection and promotion of the health of all persons at work including staff and contractors. Your health is your greatest asset 2

3 Importance of Occupational Health
Ethical reasons Employees health status influences his/her ability to perform the tasks for which he/she has been employed to do Legal requirements Epidemiological reasons Research reasons Reputation Your health is your greatest asset 2

4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Minimum Health Management Standards (MHMS)
Your health is your greatest asset

5 The MHMS for Fitness to Work requires that –
MHMS 6 - Fitness to Work The MHMS for Fitness to Work requires that – Minimum fitness for duty standards are to be established and applied for specific work and working conditions where there are critical occupational health or safety requirements. Appropriate health-related policies are to be in place encompassing, as a minimum, the use of alcohol and drugs Your health is your greatest asset

6 OGP 6.55/251 – Fitness to Work in the E&P Industry
This is achieved when – The location or business has identified all worker groups whose specific work or working conditions require a minimum fitness for duty standard. A minimum fitness for duty standard has been defined for each of these groups. There is a system in place which allows managers to appropriately identify employees in these groups and review their status regarding the minimum fitness for duty standard. There is an alcohol and drug abuse policy in place which meets local legislation and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Employment Guidelines. Reference OGP 6.55/251 – Fitness to Work in the E&P Industry Shell HR Red Guide – Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Employment Guidelines (Dec 1993) SP 1230 HSE SPECIFICATION - Medical Examination Treatment & Facilities Your health is your greatest asset

7 What is a Medical Examination?
2 Yearly Medical Examination What is a Medical Examination? A "medical examination" is a procedure or test usually given by a health care professional or in a medical setting that seeks information about an individual's physical or mental impairments or health. Your health is your greatest asset

8 What is a Medical Examination?
2 Yearly Medical Examination What is a Medical Examination? Medical examinations may include vision tests; blood, urine, and breath analyses; blood pressure screening and cholesterol testing; and diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs. Your health is your greatest asset

9 What Medical Examinations
2 Yearly Medical Examination What Medical Examinations History Preliminary Checks + urine examination Physical Examination Blood Test FBC, LFT, RFT, CE, HDL, LIP, Blood Sugar Others ECG, Audiogram, Chest X-ray, EEG, MRI Specialised Tests Review FEED BACK – INPUT INTO IMIS – CODE 5 Your health is your greatest asset

10 Different Types of Medical Examinations
2 Yearly Medical Examination Different Types of Medical Examinations Pre-Employment medical examination Pre-Placement medical examination 2 Yearly Medical Examination Pre-Overseas medical examination Housing Loan medical examination Final Departure medical examination Pre-Retirement medical examination Risk Based medical examination Your health is your greatest asset

11 Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy
2 Yearly Medical Examination Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy What is Risk based medical examination This is when minimum fitness for duty standards have been established and applied for specific work and working conditions where there are critical occupational health or safety requirements. Examples - Firemen - People exposed to high noise levels - Every other staff must also be fit to do work yearly medical.???? Your health is your greatest asset

12 Why Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy
2 Yearly Medical Examination Why Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy Implementation of a risk-based approach Better utilisation of limited resource Ensure fitness of employees for assigned duties Aligns with Group MHMS Integrated with HSE-MS (SP-1230) Clarifies requirements for PDO & Contractors Better defines responsibility for initiation of exam process Consistent with Wellness Campaign concepts promoting both company and individual responsibility for employee health Your health is your greatest asset

13 Medical Examination Requirements Exam Frequency (minimum)
Job Classification Exam Frequency (minimum) Exam Requirements Associated Generic HRA Routine medical Stress test, Lung function Fireman Biennial /FIREMAN2.DOC Driver Biennial Routine medical Vision check /LVDRIVER INTERIOR.DOC Diver Biennial Routine medical Lung function /DIVER.DOC Painters Biennial Routine medical Lung Function /PAINTQA2.DOC Laboratory Staff Biennial Routine medical Blood test, Liver function /PCLMAF2.DOC /PALXPM2.DOC X-ray Tech Radiation Workers Biennial Routine medical Blood test Urine microscopy /RADBEB2.DOC Food Handlers Annual Routine medical Stool /COOK2.DOC /WAITER2.DOC Routine medical Assess ability to perform strenuous tasks Audiometry Rig & Hoist Staff Biennial /ROUSTA1.DOC Routine medical Audiometry Air Operations Staff Biennial /AIR & LAND PASSENGER TRANSPORT Routine medical Lung Function Eye examinations Welders Biennial /WELDBH2.DOC Individuals at Health Risk (Diabetic, Hypertensive, Obese) Biennial or as recommended by physician Routine medical Vision check, Blood test Liver Function, Kidney Function, Cardiac Function n/a All other interior based staff Biennial Routine medical n/a All others not defined above <40 yrs old >40 yrs old Every 2 years Biennial Routine medical Routine medical + ECG n/a Your health is your greatest asset

14 Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy
2 Yearly Medical Examination Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy Immediate Implementation : Incorporate into leave approval process Is the requestor up-to-date with his/her medical exam? Pilot implementation - in CSM Phase 2 Implementation: Investigate uploading of data from IMIS to SAP Date of most recent medical exam will be uploaded to the SAP employee leave request form For Contractors - enforcement by CH through audits and inclusion in HSE Plans/Targets Your health is your greatest asset

15 Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy
2 Yearly Medical Examination Risk-Based Medical Examinations Implementation Strategy IMIS to SAP Doctors to update the IMIS database - action MCC Daily interface required between IMIS and SaPpHire to update changes in last medical exam date - action HRD/MCC Workflow for employee leave to be amended to read the last date of medical exam and advise employees and supervisors - action HRD Your health is your greatest asset

Refer to Medical Board Complete Medical History Forms. Routine investigations performed by medical staff. Physical examination with Doctor + any other tests Category A: FIT without restriction Category B: FIT with specific restriction Category C: UNFIT Category D: Awaiting specialist assessment Refer to appropriate specialist Reassign to other duties Doctor certifies fitness for duty and signs HSE passport (input data into IMIS) - CODE 5 Medical severance Repeat According to frequency defined in Table 2.1 Department to initiate Medical Examination Process for HSE Classified jobs. Staff to initiate for all other categories. Phone Reception 7430/7055 (Coast) or contact nearest Interior Clinic. Your health is your greatest asset

17 Last Line…………….. Your health is your greatest asset

18 Your health is your greatest asset
2 Yearly Medical Examination Medical Examination IS NOT About getting you retired prematurely or Attempt to get you off work! It is about keeping you FIT to do the job you have been employed to do!! What about your 2 yearly medicals? Is your Medical Licence Current? Your health is your greatest asset

19 Your Greatest Asset We squander health in search of wealth.
We scheme and strife and save and We squander wealth in search of health and all we have is the grave. We live and boast of what we own but when We die we own only a stone, Your health is your greatest asset, so make it last!


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