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Last War Between Canada and the USA

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1 Last War Between Canada and the USA
War of Last War Between Canada and the USA War of

2 Background Britain was the dominant force in the world at this time
Britain was involved in a war in Europe Who was Britain fighting against? Britain’s control of the oceans was important to her eventual success Blockade was a tried and proven method War of

3 Causes of the War ~ #1 Maritime Grievances
Britain’s success, if she was to be successful, against Napoleon depended on her control of the seas (Blockade in effect since 1806) Britain insisted on the right to search American ships For deserters For contraband going to the enemy Sailors claiming American citizenship were sometimes seized American commerce was being interfered with War of

4 Causes of the War ~ #2 Indian Problems
British traders continued to deal with the Indians of the American NW trading ammunition and supplies for furs Maintain friendship in the event of a war Were especially generous if the possibility of a war was heating up The Americans accused the British of stirring up the Indians and arming them against the Americans War of

5 Causes of the War ~ #3 War Hawks
Members of Congress from the Western States and from the frontier areas of older states Their perception was that they were faced with an Indian menace They believed that the British were behind it They saw the conquest of Canada and the expulsion of the British as the only solution War of

6 Where Was the War Fought?
On the Sea Mostly off the coast of the Maritimes & New Eng. but also on various lakes (Erie & Ont.) Britain won naval war - lost most of the battles Had greater number of forces and ability to blockade American ports affecting commerce Maritime ‘privateers’ seized over 200 commercial ships War of

7 Where Was the War Fought?
On Land Along the border of UC and LC Primary leader was Sir Isaac Brock – decisive, bold, careful in preparation – led to early successes and gave Cdns confidence Killed 1812 – Queenston Heights – Americans thrown back Line from Montreal to Michilimackinac unbroken – little of a decisive nature in War of

8 The End of The War Peace negotiations had been in progress throughout the War – both parties were sick of the conflict Ended by the Treaty of Ghent – Dec. 1814 Pre-war situation &, primarily, the granting of fishing rights to US off the Maritimes and Newfoundland Ability to agree led to a number of other agreements War of

9 The Results of The War 1. Boundary Commission set up and established in 1818 the 49th parallel as the boundary from the Lake of the Woods to the foothills of the Rockies 2. Rush-Bagot Agreement in 1817 provided for disarmament of ships on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain (except for police and anti-smuggling) War of

10 The Results of The War 3. Indians – particularly the American Indians – came out the losers. Their land essentially disappeared into the White Man’s control 4. Patriotism – We can beat the Americans - We can work together. 5. National Character – From a Cdn perspectve, the ideas of loyalty, security and order were important. Americans had become the enemy. It was no longer prudent to espouse American ideas. War of

11 Who Won The War? The Americans believe that they did – they won the Battle of New Orleans (a decisive American victory) and claim it was the last battle of the war (Jan – after the Treaty) Johnny Horton and The Battle of New Orleans The British, also unaware that the war was over, attacked and took Fort Bowyer in Feb – this was the last land engagement (withdrew two days later when they learned of the Treaty) War of

12 The Importance The results of the war
The handling of disputes by negotiation, begun with Jay’s Treaty, would continue to form the basis of relationships between Canadians and the Americans Feelings of nationalism – we are different from the Americans – often expressed as anti-Americanism began to develop War of

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