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Central/Main Community School

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1 Central/Main Community School
An Initiative: A Strategy Not a Program

2 Background City-wide partnership initiative was newly launched over the past two years between City of Orange and JP Morgan Chase Initiative includes community development; early childhood education Strengthening capacity and outcomes for public schools

3 Background JP Morgan Chase selects Orange public schools as first NJ community school launch site Orange chooses Central School Central School extends invitation to Main School

4 What is a Community School?
Schools where coordinated partnerships between the school  and other community resources  target important results.   Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. (Adapted from the Coalition for Community Schools)

5 Characteristics of a Community School
Extended Services and Opportunities Extended Hours Extended Relationships (“swinging door”) Shared leadership

6 CAS Developmental Triangle
enrichment – educational & cultural core instructional program Definition of a Community School (from our book) “An educational institution that combines the rigorous academics of a quality school with a wide range of services and supports to promote children's learning and development. It unites the most important influences in children’s lives –schools, families, and communities-to create a web of support that nurtures their development toward productive adulthood”. There are many models of Community Schools and we are just one model. However, we are one of the most difficult to implement but most comprehensive. Illustrated in these core concepts of the triangle removing barriers to learning & development mental health social services health dental

7 Comprehensive Collaborative Coherent Committed
All community schools develop a set of new capacities (4 C’s) to become: Comprehensive Collaborative Coherent Committed

8 Comprehensive Programs respond to a wide spectrum of identified needs by marshalling the full complement of partnership resources. Whole Child Developmental Approach (eg Comer) Needs Assessment & Resource Allocation Asset-based, High-quality Program Development

9 Collaborative All stakeholders are involved in meaningful, permanent roles – including educators, parents, students, funders, community members, providers, policymakers. Engagement Partnership Development Shared leadership Engagement Outreach strategies & Communications (to individuals and organizations) Building the Table Leadership development Partnership Development  Relationship building Partner recruitment Roles clarification and shared responsibility Shared Leadership Forming Coordinating Bodies/governance structures Power-sharing, structure, oversight Integrating CS governance with existing school structures

10 Coherent Activities and programs are coordinated and integrated with effective management and accountability. Program integration and oversight School/Partner Relationships Alignment, Congruence, Seamless

11 Committed Sustainability planning and activities are employed from the start. Shared vision and results Building public will and participation Strategic financing  Evaluation and capacity-building

12 Needs Assessment (Parents, Students, Faculty)
Safety: more safe and enriching activities for children/youth afterschool, weekends, summer More access for children and families to technology More homework assistance in afterschool ESL for Parents

13 Central/ Main Community School GOALS:
Create a campus across the two schools and the YWCA to build capacity and resources to benefit the members of the school community Create jointly planned faculty meetings and all-school events -Form a planning team from across these institutions, and -Connect representation to all three institutions governing structures

14 Central/ Main Community School GOALS
Increase student academic success and wellbeing More extended day, year round quality offerings to more students More homework assistance afterschool (Homework Clinic) More access to computers during out of school hours Create a TEEN Center at the YWCA to engage teens (6-8th grades) in positive activities

15 Central/ Main Community School Goals and Strategies
Increase parent/ family engagement through partnership and strengthen social capital Create a Parent/Community Room in the School Offer ESL (to both Spanish- and Creole-speaking parents) Offer parent leadership training and ‘how to better support your child’s learning at home Offer more access to technology at school/YWCA during school and out-of-school hours

16 Central/ Main Community School Goals
Increase quantity and quality of afterschool / extended day programs Build strong partnerships locally, regionally and nationally to benefit students Build relationship with Lead Partner, YWCA of Essex and W. Hudson in Orange Increase the numbers of students who participate in extended day activities

17 Positive Conditions for Learning: Leading to Results
Early childhood opportunities are available …so that children are ready to enter school. There is a core instructional program with qualified teachers, a challenging curriculum, and high standards and expectations… so that young people succeed academically. Learning bridges the gap between life and academics – in school, after school and out of school – so that students are engaged and motivated and involved in their community. (From the Coalition for Community Schools)

18 Conditions…Results, cont.
Basic physical, social, emotional, and economic needs of young people and their families are met…so that students live, learn and thrive in stable and supportive environments. There is mutual respect and effective collaboration between families and school staff…so that families are actively involved in their children’s education. Schools and partners work together to find solutions…so that communities are desirable places to live. From the Coalition for Community Schools

19 How will we measure success?
Results Based Accountability in our plan to answer main question: How can we know (data, evidence) that everyone is better off because of the Community School and new partnerships

20 What has been accomplished to date
Needs assessment/parent survey over 90% return Expansion to ‘campus’ ID of Director and Lead Agency (YWCA) Plan, Budget, Goals Fall Calendar for Parent’s Center and Youth Development/ extended day program

21 How can you assist? On-site/nearby health clinic and dental partnership for children Sports Mentoring and Youth Development opportunities Additional partnerships to support goals and outcomes Personal endorsement with the students

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