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The EPSS (European Programme of Social Surveys) project
Agenda point 3 Results and Eurostat feedback on the DSS written consultation launched in November 2008 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
1. General issues General support and appreciation to the revised project issued in November 2008, considered as an improvement compared to the previous design Need for a specific DSS meeting dedicated to EPSS to be organised in January 2009 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
2. Burden Increased burden linked to the NPN (short and long) modules → Whether EPSS is introduced or not, burden will increase both at EU and national levels as the demand in the social field is increasing rapidly. → Three options: - Either, as in the past, we answer in an uncoordinated way; - Or data on important topics (such as victimisation or migration) are collected outside the ESS (e.g via Eurobarometers) with probable lower quality, or not collected at all; - Or the ESS tries to fulfil new important policy demands by developing a consistent framework allowing anticipation, responsiveness and integration while at the same time minimising the additional burden (main aims of EPSS) → Taking into account the important burden in 2011 (Census), the NPN module on culture, initially planned for 2011, is now delayed to a later date and only one short NPN module is proposed for the period 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
2. Burden Overburden in the second quarter (first semester) each year → Proposed change: data collection during the second semester for long NPN (except in case of seasonal effects) and for five-year surveys (AES, EHIS, possibly victimisation). → According to the answers to the written consultation launched in October 2008 no change is proposed regarding the ICT fieldwork period (2nd quarter) 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
3. Starting date of the EPSS project
Initial proposal: 2010 Several MS asked for starting after 2011, the year of the census → Proposed change: EPSS to be launched only from 2012; → In the transition, discussion about introducing only one new NPN short module on consumer empowerment; → NPN module on culture, initially planned for 2011, is now delayed to a later date. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
4. Derogations A few small countries asked for the possibility to get derogations for some modules On a short-term prospect: → For LFS, SILC and ICT AHM modules: this is impossible as these data are widely used in policy process and require data from all MS → For the NPN modules: demands expressed by Commission DGs clearly concern all MS (consumer empowerment, EDSIM) On a long-term prospect: → Eurostat cannot take a decision on this issue. Decision must be made at political level (discussion at the Council) 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
5. Length of the modules To be defined in terms of variables/questionnaires, not in terms of interview duration → Diverse situations in the existing household surveys: . LFS ad-hoc modules: number of variables (11 maximum) . SILC or EHIS: total interview duration (60’) → Constraint in terms of interview duration seems to be preferable: . One single variable can correspond to one or several questions in a national questionnaire . For example the variable on the ILO labour status requiring a full battery of questions to construct one single variable). 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
6. Increase of the scope of the EPSS project
Include tourism, HBS and TUS in the scope of the EPSS project → Tourism is excluded from the scope of the project since the statistical unit is the trip (reporting unit is the individual) → HBS and TUS (for which data are not collected in all EU countries) are excluded from the scope till the results of the rolling reviews on living conditions are available at the end of 2009 and the need for these data at EU level is clarified. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – short NPN modules
Deadline for data transmission too short Time for developing the module at national level is too short Should always be suited for CATI interview (45' is problematic) → Responsiveness: one of the three main objectives of the project and this especially applies to the ICT and short NPN modules. Transmission in October N as for ICT should be maintained. → Time assigned to develop short NPN modules at national level is 9 months (between end of second quarter of N-1and beginning of second quarter of N) → Impossible to guarantee that all short NPN modules are suited for CATI but some (e.g culture) will. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – long NPN modules
Minimum effective sample sizes to be also defined for long NPN modules To be specified if based on a continuous or one-off data collection → Impossible to specify the minimum effective sample size for the long NPN modules as it will be depending on the theme and target population (general/specific) of each module → Proposed change: For long NPN modules, data collection will be a one-off operation in the second semester of the year (except in the case of important seasonal effects) Commentaires: 1/ cf EDSIM, for quality reasons, a sample size superior or equal to 150,000 is considered 2/ one-off operation in the second semester of the year: should alleviate burden 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – LFS modules
To be specified that the income core variable is not to be included in LFS → Proposed change: this precision will be added Already mentioned during the DSS meeting 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – ICT modules
Combing ICT and short NPN modules generates difficulties in case of: - Differing target populations; - Very different themes; Contradiction between ICT sample sizes and requirements for the short NPN modules → Common questionnaire for ICT and the short NPN modules is optional for countries. If too difficult, countries will choose separate questionnaires. → Very different themes: no major difficulties to link modules on different topics in one single questionnaire are reported within the pilot experiment → Differing target populations: in case of common questionnaire, a sample of individuals aged 15+ drawn with a sub-sample of for ICT → Sample sizes: to be looked at on a case-by-case basis for those countries using a common questionnaire for ICT and short NPN modules 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – AES modules
Data collection not to be spread all over the year Maximum interview duration: 45' To be carried out in 2012 in some MS → Same year of data collection for all countries for AES: Eurostat insists on 2011 → Proposed changes: - Data collection will be a one-off operation in the second semester of the year; - A median interview duration of 45' will be added 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
7. Module specific questions – EHIS modules
Maximum interview duration: 45' Proposal to have EDSIM and EHIS in 2 consecutive years (2012 and 2013) to be rethought → It is recommended to have the EDSIM data collection in 2012 and the EHIS collection in 2014 to avoid collecting data in 2 consecutive years. → Same year of data collection for all countries for EHIS: 2014 But as a derogation, 2013 will be allowed for some countries which will in that case collect the two modules (EDSIM and EHIS) in consecutive years. → Maximum interview duration is fixed to 60’ in the Framework regulation on Community statistics on public health and safety at work adopted on 16 December 2008 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
8. Procedure A new Framework regulation is only to be introduced for NPN modules, not for EPSS as a whole → New Framework regulation only introduced for NPN modules: too heavy procedure to be carried out for one/two modules every year What is the status of the rolling programme endorsed by the SPC? Is a regulation planned? → Rolling programme endorsed by the SPC converted into a regulation planned?: no to keep flexibility needed for the rolling aspect of the programme What is happening if the SPC is divided on a particular module? → As usual negociations/written consultations will take place → Qualified majority in the SPC is to be reached → Each module of the programme is backed-up by a Commission regulation to be adopted at qualified majority 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
8. Procedure Add a specific role of the DSS in the procedure for the ad-hoc modules For each module, needs, criteria are to be made explicit Themes endorsed by SPC but list of variables (questionnaires, guidelines) is to be left to WG/TF → In total there is a need to add steps and details in relation to the procedure for the ad-hoc modules (role of DSS, development of list of variables) Cf addendum to the document Doc Eurostat/F/09/DSS/01/03EN 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
8. Procedure for the ad-hoc modules
Detailed into eight steps: June/July N-2: policy needs for topics of ad-hoc modules expressed by the appropriate groups according to policy needs, and in the annual hearings between Eurostat and Commission DGs Summer N-2: Eurostat makes a proposal for a 3-year list of topics for ad-hoc modules (with policy needs, criteria, recommended vehicle), submitted in a written consultation to all concerned Commission DGs; September N-2: Proposed 3 year list of ad-hoc modules discussed by DSS: opinion on the operationalisation, on the best suitable vehicle and on the responsible Task Force/Working Group. November N-2: The Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) endorses the whole programme and decides what is the most appropriate vehicle for each of ad-hoc module. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
8. Procedure ICT and short NPN modules 5. September N-2 – March N-1: development of the list of variables by the TF/WG 6. March N-1: opinion (in written consultation) of the DSS on the draft Commission regulation with the list of variables 7. May N-1: adoption by the SPC of the Commission regulation with the list of variables 8. Second quarter (first semester possible for the short NPN module) of year N: fieldwork 9. October N: data delivery Long NPN, LFS and SILC modules 5. September N-2 – July N-1: development of the list of variables by the TF/WG 6. September N-1: opinion of the DSS on the draft Commission regulation with the list of variables 7. November N-1: adoption by the SPC of the Commission regulation with the list of variables 8. Year N+1: fieldwork 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
9. Funding NPN modules: 100% funding requested by some countries Council regulation No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Community (amended by regulations No 1995/2006 and 1527/2007) Title VI (« Grants ») Art 109: « Grants shall be subject to the principles of transparency and equal treatment. They may not be cumulative or awarded retrospectively and they must involve cofinancing ». Article 113: « The grant may not finance the entire cost of the action » In the framework of a call for proposal (grants to countries), the Commission cannot fund entirely an action. This is only possible in the case of a call for tender (via procurements). For quality reasons, the Commission strongly favours a call for proposal (restricted to the ESS). According to Eurostat’s rules, the EU funding cannot exceed 90% of the eligible costs. It it is not possible, a call for tender will be launched during the 2nd quarter of 2009. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
9. Funding 5-year surveys should receive a permanent funding ICT module: contradiction between the EPSS proposal and the ICT Framework regulation where a permanent funding is planned 5-year surveys: No change proposed compared to the current situation (no funding for next round of EHIS or AES) . Eurostat financing policy: EU funding to be given for capacity building. For the record: for SILC: currently no funding is planned after the 4 first years of implementation With EPSS: SILC AHM would be 90%-funded on a permanent basis. ICT: art. 10 on funding of the Regulation 808/2004 has not been proposed for any amendment. Therefore the current paragraph persists, stipulating that "If budgetary conditions so permit, the Commission shall continue to make a financial contribution to Member States in order to help offest the costs of providing these statistic in subsequent years." "The amount of financial contribution shall not exceed 90% of such costs." The amended regulation would provide a legal basis for the provision of statistics on ICT usage for 10 annual implementing regulations, i.e. 2009/ /19, depending on the date of entry into force of the amendment. 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
10. Summary of the main changes implemented
→ EPSS to be launched only from 2012: → Transition: only one NPN short module on consumer empowerment; → NPN module on culture (initially planned for 2011) delayed. → Procedure for ad-hoc modules detailed into eight steps. → Long NPN (except in case of seasonal effects) and for five-year surveys (AES, EHIS, possibly victimisation): one-off operation in the second semester of the year. → Programming of long NPN and five years surveys (AES, EHIS, victimisation) modules: → 2011: AES (second semester) → 2012: EDSIM (including mini EHIS) → 2013: Victimisation → 2014: EHIS (2013 as a derogation). 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
11. Conclusion The DSS are invited to comment on any aspects of the revised project and to ask for any further clarifications 13 January 2009 Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) meeting
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