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Urine formation function of kidney.

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1 Urine formation function of kidney.



4 Urine formation Structures responsible for the urine formation:
glomeruli, proximal canaliculi, distal canaliculi. Mechanism of urine formation: filtration reabsorption secretion 4

5 Mechanisms of elimination: filtration reabsorption excretion

6 Filtration About 120 mL/min or 180 L/day of blood is filtrated.
Takes place in glomeruli. Substances with molecular mass below 40,000 Da pass through the membrane of glomerulus into capsula. About 120 mL/min or 180 L/day of blood is filtrated. Filtration – passive process. After filtration – primary urine (180 L/day) 6

7 Filtration is caused by:
-hydrostatic pressure of blood in capillaries of glomeruli (70 mm Hg) -oncotic pressure of blood plasma proteins (30 mm Hg) -hydrostatic pressure of ultrafiltrate in capsule (20 mm Hg) 70 mm Hg-(30 mm Hg+20 mm Hg)=20 mm Hg Hydrostatic pressure in glomeruli is determined by the ratio between diameter of ascendant and descendant arteriole 7

8 Reabsorption Takes place in proximal and distal canaliculi.
What is reabsorbed? Glucose (100%), amino acids (93%), water (98%), NaCl (70%) etc. The urine is concentrated (toxins damages the proximal canaliculi) Reabsorption: active passive. Lipophilic substances - passive. Na/K АТP-аse is very active 8

9 Secretion Takes place in proximal and distal canaliculi. Secretion:
Transport of substances from blood into filtrate. Takes place in proximal and distal canaliculi. Secretion: active passive. Passive secretion depends on the pH. What is secreted? Ions of K, аmmonia, H+ drugs xenobiotics 9

10 CLEARANCE Clearance = (C urine/C plasma) * V
Clearance of any substance is expressed in ml of blood plasma that is purified from this substance for 1 min while passing through the kidneys. About 180 L of primary urine is formed for 1 day, about 125 mL of primary urine for 1 min. Glucose is reabsorbed completely; clearance = 0 Inulin is not reabsorbed absolutely; clearance = 125 mL/min If clearance is more than 125 mL/min the substance is secreted actively. Clearance = (C urine/C plasma) * V 10

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