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Frequency of potential risk of hypoglycemia for each estimate method, defined as a percentage difference between the estimate and final basal rate. Frequency.

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Presentation on theme: "Frequency of potential risk of hypoglycemia for each estimate method, defined as a percentage difference between the estimate and final basal rate. Frequency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frequency of potential risk of hypoglycemia for each estimate method, defined as a percentage difference between the estimate and final basal rate. Frequency of potential risk of hypoglycemia for each estimate method, defined as a percentage difference between the estimate and final basal rate. Estimates include a regression, weight formula, total daily dose (TDD) of insulin formula and an empirical value. (A) Patients with type 1 diabetes (n=61). (B) Patients with type 2 diabetes (n=34). Nelson Chow et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2016;4:e000145 ©2016 by American Diabetes Association

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