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GALLIPOLI Evidence of war.

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Presentation on theme: "GALLIPOLI Evidence of war."— Presentation transcript:

1 GALLIPOLI Evidence of war

2 Homer’s wine-dark sea


4 The Turkish soldier -by his commander

5 Bravery The struggle showed the bravery of both sides

6 compassion

7 View of the Australian approach to Anzac Cove: Could the Turks see them arriving?

8 Simpson Read the information carefully
How long did he survive on the peninsula?

9 View of Anzac Cove and Suvla Bay

10 The beach at Anzac Cove

11 The early stages of the ascent

12 The rest of the ascent

13 The view from the top

14 The ravine that many troops tried to climb

15 Bullet shells: from the campaign
Note the quantity of shells preserved in mud

16 Detail of shells

17 Anti-cavalry device Anti-cavalry device called a caltrop
Look at it carefully: How would it stop horses? Why is this evidence of cavalry warfare on the peninsula?

18 canister How would this explosive device affect troops?

19 Here they played cricket

20 Supply area, and swimming place

21 The Lone Pine

22 View of the Aegean from Lone Pine

23 Remains of some trench lines

24 Cemeteries marking the distance between trench lines near The Neck

25 View of Lone Pine from near The Neck

26 Ravine leading up to The Neck

27 The Hero of Chunuk Bair What does this say about the status of Ataturk? What does this say about Turkish attitudes to Australia?

28 We buried ours… The Lone Pine memorial and some of the names of the fallen on that field

29 And the Turks buried theirs…
Turkish cemetery near The Neck: monument and soldiers

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