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The House of Representatives

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1 The House of Representatives
Chapter 5, Section 2

2 Quote: “No man is good enough to govern any other man, without that other man’s consent.”
~ Abraham Lincoln

3 Name Date Nov 5, 2014 The House of Representatives
Define 3 Key Terms (Pg. 137) 1) 2) 3)

4 Warm up Legislative Branch House of Rep and Senate
Discuss and list 3 things know about the House of Representatives. Discuss and list 3 things you know about the House of Representatives and about its membership from California. Discuss and list 3 things you know about the Senate

5 I. Rules for Lawmaking A. Each house of Congress has rules to conduct business. (Ex. House members are limited to speaking for 5 min. or less when it is their turn to try to pass laws quickly.) B. Most of the work in Congress is done by committee. C. Committees help make Congress work more efficiently.

6 I. Rules for Lawmaking D. Committees are especially important for the House of Representatives because it has 435 members. E. There are 24 committees in the House. Committees also let members specialize in areas important to their voters.

7 I. Rules for Law Making F. Committees are organized by the political party with the majority of members. Party heads organize the committees, appoint committee heads, and control the flow of legislation. Question: Who is the current leader of the House of Representatives? Which party currently has the majority of members? In House? In Senate?

8 House Speaker John Boehner
A Republican From Ohio’s 8th Congressional District                            

9 II. House Leadership The Speaker of the House is leader of the majority party. Chosen by a caucus (closed meeting) of majority party Speaker decides who speaks and when Speaker appoints members to committees

10 Question (pg ) Individually or with a partner answer these questions in your notes What is another term for a proposed law? About how many proposed laws go to the full House for a vote?

11 II. House Leadership B. Party Floor Leaders are chosen for both parties House Majority Leader (currently a Republican) House Minority Leader (currently a Democrat) Floor leaders steer bills through committees C. Assistants to the Party Floor Leaders called “whips” assist Leaders in persuading congressional members to support the laws their party favors.

12 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
A Democrat from California’s 12th District

13 What’s on the House floor?
Please answer the following questions: List 3 Committees you might want to be on and why? Party Affiliation 113th Congress List 3 to 5 observations about the 113th Congress.

14 Homework Questions: Page 135 (Comparing Governments)
Culture and history play large roles in how legislatures are formed around the world? In what two categories is the United Kingdom unique among the countries shown above? Page 137 #4 #5

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