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Unit 1 The Business Environment

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1 Unit 1 The Business Environment
BTEC Business Unit 1 The Business Environment

2 Unit 1 The Business Environment
Assignment 2 Date Set: 29th Sept 14 Deadline: 13th Oct 14

3 Learning Objective Today’s learning objective is:
To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

4 P3 Learning Outcomes All WILL be able to define and explain the purpose of organisational structures. All SHOULD be able to explain the 3 factors that effect structures and give an example for each. All COULD be able to explain the 4 types of structure and apply this to two businesses. Learning Objective: To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

5 What is an Organisation Structure?
The relationship between different people and functions in an organisation. (Vertically and Horizontally) KEY TERMS: Division of work Lines of Control Communication Span of Control Label them onto your organisational structure

6 Different types of Structure
Functional structure Traditional structure consisting of a different department for each of the main functions (marketing, production, finance, HR) Learning Objective: To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

7 Different types of Structure
2. Geographic structure Large companies are widely dispersed around the globe. Companies like BIC, Gillette and Kellogg's have European and North American divisions. Learning Objective: To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

8 Different types of Structure
3. Product Grouping people together According to the product they make. For example, BIC has three main divisions – pens, lighters and razors. Learning Objective: To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

9 Different types of Structure
4. Type of Customer Organising into customer groups so they get more specific time and attention. For example, hospitals (x-ray, casualty) and department stores (men, women, children) Learning Objective: To explore the purpose of different organisational structures and the factors that effect them.

10 Learning Objective: To explore the 6 different functional areas.
Finance Marketing Production Customer service Sales Human resources What does each Department do? Learning Objective: To explore the 6 different functional areas.

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