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Dominique Bé 28 September 2010, Brussels

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1 Dominique Bé 28 September 2010, Brussels
ESF TWG ESF & ROMA assessment of use of EU funds for Roma integration by Commission Roma Task Force Dominique Bé 28 September 2010, Brussels

2 Communication on social & economic integration of Roma in Europe 07/04/2010
Commission high-level events in the MS better use of Structural Funds by MS integrated approach more information and technical support to MS better evaluation EURoma network + network on Roma studies inclusion of Roma in: future EU funds European Platform against Poverty Flagship Initiative OMC & EU2020 Strategy Employment Mutual Learning Programme IPA

3 Situation of Roma in France & Europe VP Reding, Com
Situation of Roma in France & Europe VP Reding, Com. Andor & Malmström 01/09/2010 check conformity of MS measures with EU law on free movement, non-discrimination & EU Charter of Fundamental Rights establish a Roma Task Force to analyse the follow-up given by MS to the Roma Communication (07/04/2010) streamline, assess & benchmark use (including the effectiveness) of EU funds by all MS for Roma integration & identify deficiencies in use of funds first report by end 2010

4 Situation of Roma in France & Europe VP Reding, Com
Situation of Roma in France & Europe VP Reding, Com. Andor & Malmström 01/09/2010 call for Jumbo JHA and EPSCO Council to identify more targeted use of national & complementary EU funding yearly meetings at ministerial level regular meetings of high-level civil servants to review progress on Roma integration in all EU Member States call on Presidencies to address priorities of Roadmap agreed by European Platform on Roma inclusion (06/2010) call on MS to address issue of human trafficking

5 Roma Task Force 07/09/2010 to assess MS use of EU funds
senior officials from all relevant Commission DGs DG JUST DDG EMPL analysis of MS follow up to Roma communication assess MS use of EU Funds for Roma integration identify ways to improve EU Funds’ effectiveness report by end 2010 information of EP and Council

6 Questionnaire on use of EU & national funds for Roma inclusion
national & EU funding exclusive Roma funding + other Roma funding performance indicators (per OP) qualitative info about other measures successes, failures, success factors, obstacles, opportunities 01/10: sending to MS via PR 15/11: deadline for response

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