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ACP 42 Duties of the Adult SNCO, Civilian Instructor, Padre and Civilian Committee Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron.

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Presentation on theme: "ACP 42 Duties of the Adult SNCO, Civilian Instructor, Padre and Civilian Committee Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACP 42 Duties of the Adult SNCO, Civilian Instructor, Padre and Civilian Committee Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

2 Objective By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
State the roles and responsibilities of the Adult SNCO, CI, Padre & Civilian Committee Detail the role of a Staff Cadet in assisting these people Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

3 Scope & Handout The lesson will last approximately 1 hour (with NAAFI break) There are no handouts Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

4 Adult SNCO Adult SNCO’s duties Discipline Drill Armament
May also be responsible for security Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

5 Adult SNCO Staff Cadet Role Discipline Drill Armament Security
Helping to maintain discipline, as for Cadet NCOs Drill Instructing in drill training, using ACP 19 Armament Assisting with weapon training Helping to run shooting practices Security Checking for security issues and assisting with shut-down checks Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

6 Civilian Instructor Civilian Instructors’ Duties Instructing Projects
Own personal skills, particularly if in aviation ATC Training Syllabus Projects Assisting with projects Other duties as required by the Squadron Canteen Stores Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

7 Civilian Instructor Staff Cadet Role Instructing Projects Other duties
Helping to teach in ACP Subjects Projects Assisting with projects Other duties Helping with other duties Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

8 Squadron Padre Squadron Padre’s Duties Church parades and services
Moral leadership Local citizenship Cadet Enrolments Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

9 Civilian Committee Civilian Committee’s Duties Finance
Administering the Public Fund Fundraising for the Non-public fund Provision of accommodation Recommendation and approval of Staff Welfare matters Recreational activities Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

10 Civilian Committee Staff Cadet Role Finance Welfare matters
Fundraising ideas and planning Welfare matters Monitoring cadets for welfare issues Recreational activities Recreational ideas and planning Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

11 Objective By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
State the roles and responsibilities of the Adult SNCO, CI, Padre & Civilian Committee Detail the role of a Staff Cadet in assisting these people Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

12 Summary Know your roles and how you can support the unit staff!
Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

13 Questions Who is responsible for welfare issues?
In what ways can Staff Cadets assist the Adult SNCOs? What are the main roles of the Civilian Instructor? Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

14 Questions Any Questions? Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

15 Looking forward… Next session will be… Effective Question Technique
Sgt Hall (ATC) 2359 (Woolton) Squadron

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