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Local Government Staff Commission of Northern Ireland Conference

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1 Local Government Staff Commission of Northern Ireland Conference
Brexit Research Findings Thursday 22nd November 2018

2 Agenda Background Hackathon Process Hopes and Fears Recommendations
Additional Findings Next Steps

3 Background At PPMA Annual Conference in 2017, we asked our membership for areas that they wanted us to include in a new Research Programme Brexit was a key topic Most existing research focused on what we already knew – which wasn’t a lot PPMA works closely with the Local Government Staff Commission and we have a thriving community of HR and OD professionals as part of our Northern Ireland region We have a real opportunity to give our members and friends a real opportunity to contribute We are delighted that: PPMA NI and LGSC agreed to support this research Matrix SCM agreed to sponsor it Craigavon Civic Centre agreed to host our first Hackathon research event

4 The Hackathon Process Hopes and fears Step 1 – Setting the question
“What action is required to maximise the opportunities Brexit presents to the workforce North and South of the Irish border?” Step 2 – Identifying ideas Step 3 – Refining the proposition Step 4 – Presenting the solution Step 5 – Committing to the outcome Preparing the Craigavon Compact

5 Hopes and Fears Harmony Hard Border Peace Special Status Tolerance
Permeable Borders Economic Development Loss of Investment Isolation Assembly Restarts New Relationships A Voice Dedicated Funding No Influence Cross Sector Working Opportunity to Influence Nationalism Stagnation

6 Facilitate Organisational Resilience
Recommendations The Craigavon Compact Facilitate Organisational Resilience Brexit provides an opportunity to enable the workforce in Northern Ireland to do more than ‘survive’. Conditions could be introduced that would enable the workforce to thrive and flourish through the introduction of apprenticeships (as exists in the rest of the UK); incentives and scholarships to target skills gaps and hard to recruit to professions; positive work placements; formalise flexible working.

7 A Positive Migration System
Recommendations The Craigavon Compact A Positive Migration System There are around 30,000 workers who flex between North and South of the border every day for work. No other part of the UK experiences this migration of EU workers and it is an essential part of the local economy. Pragmatism and creativity therefore needs to prevail and tailor a solution that is relevant for the local people rather than distant politicians. Arrangements could be facilitated to enable the local economy to retain EU workers in special skills and hard-to-fill professions.

8 Enhance Tourism – Maximising Employment and Investment Opportunities
Recommendations The Craigavon Compact Enhance Tourism – Maximising Employment and Investment Opportunities One of the major changes that Northern Ireland has experienced over the past 20 years is the growth of tourism which has brought wealth and employment opportunities benefitting local communities. The ease of flow between North and South has generated a flux of international tourists which need to be maintained. Lobbying is required for greater investment in public transport and the associated infrastructure that would maintain this momentum. There is a real opportunity to highlight Northern Ireland as a destination of choice for both local and international tourists.

9 Recommendations The Craigavon Compact
Special Status for Northern Ireland relating to Employment and Investment The region has experienced some of the highest levels of unemployment and social deprivation in the past and it is something that cannot result again post-Brexit. It is suggested that Northern Ireland be established as a region of ‘special status’ attracting investment, targeted incentives for organisations/businesses to remain in the North.

10 Positively Address Skills Shortage
Recommendations The Craigavon Compact Positively Address Skills Shortage The key consideration is to maintain the free movement of people in the region and open up the opportunity for EU workers to address the skills gap through flexibility in professional visas. An agreed and fluid Occupational Shortage List could be developed and long-term strategies developed to enable the region to be self-sufficient.

11 Develop a Northern Ireland Lobbying Task Force
Recommendations The Craigavon Compact Develop a Northern Ireland Lobbying Task Force Essential, given the absence of the Northern Ireland Assembly would be charged with positively lobbying for funding for the region to replace the resources that are currently provided by the EU and would positively support the implementation of these themes. For example, Northern Ireland does not benefit from the apprenticeship levy – one simple example of an immediate change that can be made to create a positive outcome.

12 Additional Findings A real concern that public sector had not received any meaningful opportunity to participate in consultation A generation has grown up not knowing political violence – there is a real fear this will return if Brexit proposals are poor Feeling that the border is being used as a political football – ‘people as pawns’ Unworkability of a hard border

13 Next Steps Share our proposals with Northern Ireland Office, LGA, SOLACE and other key stakeholders Continue to develop cross sector working relationships Revisit our proposals in 6 months time to check progress

14 Questions

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