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1st Grade Curriculum Night August 21, 2018

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1 1st Grade Curriculum Night August 21, 2018
Ingomar Elementary School


3 Schedule Monday Tuesday-Friday
9:00-9:15 Arrival: Check-in, Lunch count, Morning work 9:15-11:05 Communication Arts 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:05 Recess 12:05-12:15 Bathroom Break 12:15-12:30 Calendar 12:30-1:15 Math 1:15-2:15 Integrated Arts 2:15-2:30 Story Time 2:30-2:45 Rocket Math 2:45-3:15 Social Studies/Science 3:15-3:30 Pack up & Dismissal 9:00-9:15 Arrival: Check-in, Lunch count, Morning work 9:15-10:30 Communication Arts 10:30-11:00 WIN 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:05 Recess 12:05-12:15 Bathroom Break 12:15-12:45 Calendar Math, Rocket Math 12:45-1:30 Math 1:30-2:15 Specials 2:15-2:30 Story Time 2:30-3:15 Social Studies/Science 3:15-3:30 Pack up & Dismissal

4 Special Schedule Monday - Integrated Arts 1:15-2:15 PM Tuesday – P.E. (Mr. Boronyak) 1:30-2:15 PM Wednesday – Library (Mrs. Smokovich) 1:30-2:15 PM Thursday – Art (Mrs. Knapp) 1:30-2:15 PM Friday – Music (Mrs. Vrana) 1:30-2:15 PM

5 How Is Your Day?  If a rule is not broken, and warnings are not given, then your child receives a green card for the day.   Behaviors requiring warnings result in a yellow card.  When on yellow, students need to think about their actions.   If on yellow and additional warnings are given throughout the day, a red card is received.  When a red card is received, the student will stand on the wall during recess for 10 minutes.  If a red card is received after recess has passed for that day, your child will lose part of recess the following school day.  If a student continues to make poor choices, they may receive a blue card. A blue card means a trip to see Dr. Michalowski, calling Mom and Dad, and losing an entire recess.  * On Friday your child will bring home either a Wow card (if they have had green cards all week) or a behavior sheet which tells a brief description of which rule was broken to get the yellow/red/blue card. Please discuss this with your child Each student begins a new day with a green card!  

6 Lunch Money You should have received a letter detailing the POS system used by our cafeteria. Your child has a “pin” number to purchase a school lunch in the cafeteria. Money may be applied to your child’s account on any day. You may also utilize the or go to the NA website and locate “PayForIt.” Please make sure that your child’s name, our classroom section and room number (1C), pin number, and the amount are written on the outside of the envelope. If your child brings money for only that day’s lunch, he/she will take the money with them to lunch. Please assure with your child knows what he/she will be choosing for lunch daily!

7 Birthday Celebrations
We like our children to share birthday celebrations with their classmates! Due to the “Wellness Policy” and to protect children with allergies, please consider a non-food item if you would like to provide a treat. We will celebrate summer birthdays (June/July/August) in June 2019. Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless there is one for every child in our class. We don’t want any hurt feelings!

8 Communication E-mail: Write a note
Pick up for today Early dismissal for today Medication for today Call school secretary ( )

9 Transportation Changes
It is IMPERATIVE to send a note with your child to school if his/her typical afternoon transportation changes! This is to ensure the safety of your child! Thank you for your understanding in our need to keep all students safe!

10 Take-Home Folder Each student was asked to bring a Take-Home folder to school. The students are expected to take home this folder each night. Please check this folder with your child nightly for any important notes and assignments from 1C. Finished papers are to be kept at home. Papers and homework to be returned to school should come back to school in the folder.

11 Homework Spelling (Monday-Thursday)
Practice nightly reading, writing and spelling the words! Math (Monday-Thursday) - Pages from the math book, check weekly agenda on website for specific page numbers -Approximately 3-4 days per week -Practice math facts Reading Rereading assigned stories in the reading anthology and decodable books for fluency

12 Recess The children go outdoors for recess unless it is extremely cold, raining, or snowing. Please keep these factors in mind and dress your child accordingly. Please label all clothing with names!

13 Absence Please send a note when your child has been absent. I will forward it to the office. Students will receive their missed work when they return to school unless I receive an if you would like their work to be sent home with a sibling/neighbor. Please allow time for me to gather their work! 

14 Sticker Word Books Worked on at home to become comfortable with words.
Encourage your child to try at least 2 word lists per week. When your child feels ready to read the word list, send the book to school. They will read their list with a parent volunteer. Students receive a sticker when the list is passed. Any missed words will be circled so the child can practice and try again. Enrichment For children that are advanced readers, they have the option of SPELLING the lists in the word books. Once a child begins spelling, they have to continue spelling the rest of the word lists. Please write me a note if you feel your child would benefit from spelling the words rather than reading them. Please know that there are five sticker word books, and I do recommend reading the words, except for a small number of children. You also have the option of having your child go back and spell the words once they have read them in all five sticker word books.

15 Communication Arts (CA)
Story Town- Harcourt Guided Reading Groups (books in a bag) Thematic Components Various types of literature Phonemic Awareness Phonics/Spelling High Frequency Words Comprehension Fluency Robust Vocabulary Grammar Handwriting Writing

16 Spelling Emphasis on learning phonics
Spelling Homework assigned Monday and due Friday Lists will be sent home Friday prior to test week

17 Writing Handwriting is done daily with pencils! Letters and numbers

18 Mathematics Developing concepts w/ manipulatives
Practicing for understanding Developing fluency of numbers & facts Topics: Addition & Subtraction Concepts Place Value Numbers to 100 Geometry Graphing Time Fractions Measurement Problem Solving

19 Rocket Math This research-based program has shown that students who gain automaticity with their basic facts are then able to free up cognitive abilities to focus on more complex math concepts. Rocket Math offers a supplemental curriculum that is uniquely structured to present sequential practice and mastery of math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be approximately ten-minutes of instruction dedicated to this program each day. Get ready to blast off with Rocket Math! Parent Resources: Go to the District Web Site  Click on Especially for Parents under Quick Links Click on Rocket Math 1st and 2nd grading period ~ number writing 3rd and 4th grading period ~ addition and subtraction

20 Social Studies Scott Foresman Social Studies text- All Together

21 Science The North Allegheny School District has adopted the Scott Foresman Science text to assist us in delivering a comprehensive Science curriculum. The title of the first grade text is Science: The Diamond Addition. The following is a brief overview of the unit-based study for our class this year: UNIT A CHAPTER 1: LIVING AND NONLIVING UNIT A CHAPTER 2: HABITATS UNIT A CHAPTER 3: HOW PLANTS AND ANIMALS LIVE UNIT A CHAPTER 4: LIFE CYCLE UNIT A CHAPTER 5: FOOD CHAINS UNIT B CHAPTER 6: LIVING AND NONLIVING UNIT B CHAPTER 7: WEATHER

22 conference on the back table prior to leaving!
Conferences November 5th and 6th *Please sign up for a conference on the back table prior to leaving!

23 TYLER Grades Math Tests Spelling Tests
How to Access the Student Data Portal for the First Time.


25 Please check your email for:
Information on our insurance coverage Please go to to accept or decline insurance coverage for your child’s device. Insurance sign-up deadline is September 28. Parent Information Nights August :00 p.m. at Carson Middle School September 8 - 7:00 p.m. at Marshall Middle School Information about FOCUS 2020 can be found at:

26 What is MTSS? Multi-Tiered System of Support
MTSS is evidence-based and addresses academics & behavior in a systematic, cyclical problem-solving process. PA-MTSS is intended to help all students meet with continuous academic and behavioral success. PDE 2017 5 Year Implementation Process Year 3 of Implementation

27 What is MTSS? Multi-Tiered System of Support
Standards-aligned and responsive Based on high quality core instruction Universal screening Progress monitoring Data-based decision-making Tiered services and supports Family engagement SLD (specific learning disability) determination *The data can be used when an evaluation may occur Professional learning & collaboration Last year we administered a universal screener and focused on differentiating our core instruction. We will continue to focus on using the data to make better data based decisions in regards to our instruction. Students who may be struggling will also be receive targeted research based interventions and receive progress monitoring. Parent reports will be sent or shared at conferences as was done last year.

28 Tier 1-3 5% 10% Tier 1 is our foundational, core instruction. Tiers 2 and 3 are added to provide every student with what he or she needs. 85%

29 North Allegheny Implementation Plan 2018-2019 School Year
Focus of Year 3: - Continue to use AIMSweb Plus as our universal screener. Continue to differentiate our core reading instruction In grades K-5,continue a differentiated/flexible reading period 4 days a week (What I Need Period “WIN Period”) During this 45 minute (grades 2-5) or 30 minute (K-1) period can receive enrichment, reinforcement and remediation on ELA skills. Groups will be flexible and based upon multiple forms of data. During this time the reading specialists, interventionists, GOAL and other related support teachers will be working with the homeroom teachers to support students in giving them whatever they need to demonstrate mastery and growth.

30 Universal Screener Facts
Given three times per year. Sept. Dec. and May Administer on grade level Administer to all students Math Grades 2-5 Assessed on the computer 35 min Reading Grades K-5 K-1 – 1:1 with teacher Approx. -15 min 2-5 – 1:1 and computer Approx. – 35 min

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