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How to write good. How to write good Background: Reading Read the papers. Then read them again. Then again. Write out the structure of the paper. If.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write good. How to write good Background: Reading Read the papers. Then read them again. Then again. Write out the structure of the paper. If."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to write good

3 Background: Reading Read the papers. Then read them again. Then again.
Write out the structure of the paper. If you’re confused about the philosophy, nothing in this lecture will be much help.

4 Big picture A philosophy paper should read like one long argument.
The entire paper should be defending one clear thesis. The thesis can be negative (counter-examples, flaws in other’s reasoning) or positive (reasons to believe it, intuitions, examples, problems solved). Discuss your thesis with people. If you can’t explain it so they understand it, you probably don’t understand it.

5 The Thesis: Make a small point
Good: Theory X must be modified to avoid a counter-example. Bad: Here is my own theory of knowledge which I will develop from scratch in 1200 words.

6 Write out the structure
Example: Introduction Explain theory x Explain why p is a problem for x Explain how q solves the problem. Conclusion

7 Structure Each section should be marked off with a new paragraph.
Each section should be divided into paragraphs, each of which makes one point i.e. explains a position, offers a motivation, describes an example.

8 Mistakes Premise: Philosophy is confusing and difficult to understand.
Conclusion: Therefore, a philosophy paper should be confusing and difficult to understand.

9 Mistakes Premise: Philosophy is confusing and difficult to understand.
Conclusion: Therefore, a philosophy paper should be confusing and difficult to understand.

10 Mistakes “The Prof already knows this, so I don’t need to explain it in detail”.

11 Mistakes You don’t need to be original.
You don’t need to cover all the arguments. Your paper should be narrow and focussed.

12 Frame of mind Assume the reader is:
1. Lazy. The reader will not do any work to understand what you’re saying. 2. Stupid. If it isn’t crystal clear, it won’t be understood. 3. Mean. If there is a way of misinterpreting what you write, it will be misinterpreted. Assume the reader knows nothing about philosophy e.g. your mother, a 10 year old child, George Bush.

13 Language Keep it simple, stupid.
Written English is much simpler than spoken English.

14 Language structure Check the logical structure of your sentences.
Good: A, Not-A, if A then B, B because A, A entails B Okay: A and B, A or B Bad: if not A then B, if A or B then C, if A then B and C, A and B or C, not not A.

15 Language structure No sub-clauses:
If A then, assuming we’ve eliminated B, C follows. No sentence should go onto a 3rd line.

16 Short words Bad: “Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement.” Good: “Before we fixed our money problems.” Bad: “We’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation”.

17 Short words Bad: “Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement.” Good: “Before we fixed our money problems.” Bad: “We’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation”. Good: “It’s gonna rain”

18 Sign-posting Make the structure of the paper clear by telling the reader where you are going. A paper is a map, not a magical mystery tour. I will begin by... Before I say what is wrong with this argument, I want to... I will now defend this claim... I will now argue that… This example shows that… You cannot have too much sign-posting!

19 Don’t aim for style Aim for precision
Don’t vary your words for variety. It may mean something different. Don’t use metaphors. ‘Knowing is like being on top of the podium’. ‘Being unjustified is like being irresponsible’.

20 Answer objections You get points for arguments.
Don’t just present a position, defend it from possible objections (even if you think the objections aren’t very good).

21 Re-write I recommend at least 3 stages to writing.
1. First draft. Wait at least a day or two then go back and read it with a critical eye (i.e. lazy, mean and stupid.) 2. Second draft. 3. Proof-read before you give it in. Typos and grammatical errors can ruin papers.

22 Please send me ideas and drafts!

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