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Forward Modeling for Time-Distance Helioseismology

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Presentation on theme: "Forward Modeling for Time-Distance Helioseismology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forward Modeling for Time-Distance Helioseismology

2 Outline Introduction to time-distance
Introduction to the forward problem Example calculations Open questions and future work

3 SOHO/MDI dopplergram, Ni I, colors range from +/- 2 km/s


5 The basic idea of t.d. helioseismology (Duvall et al., 93)
Measure the time for a wave packet to move from x1 to x2 and also the time from x2 to x1 From the times infer subsurface conditions, e.g. sound speed, flows …

6 Time-distance helioseismology

7 Gizon (2003), f modes, hi-res SOHO/MDI

8 Zhao, Kosovichev, & Duvall (2002)
13 hours hi-res SOHO/MDI Depth 0-3 Mm, red is down flow, longest arrow is 1 km/s

9 Linear forward and inverse problems
Linear sensitivity to small changes in the solar model In principle have to consider all possible types of perturbations: e.g. flows, sound speed, density, source properties, magnetic field, damping properties … Could use other quantities in addition to the travel time, for example the amplitude or central frequency of the cross-correlation

10 A recipe for computing kernels (Gizon & Birch, 2002 ApJ)
Previous work was based on ray approximation or single-source approximation, need something more general: + Motivated by Woodard (1997, ApJ): wavefield, excited by stochastic sources (convection) + Compute the expectation value of the cross-covariance function + Linearize (Born Approximation) the dependence of the cross-covariance to changes in the solar interior (e.g. sound speed)

11 Damping, source strength, f-mode kernels
Gizon, Birch (Apj,2002) Damping, source strength, f-mode kernels How big are these effects for reasonable sunspot models ?

12 Example: mtf + phase speed (Birch, Kosovichev, & Duvall, ApJ 2004)

13 Future work and open questions
Quiet Sun: have many of the pieces, need to put them together Sunspots: need realistic forward modeling Radiative transfer ? Still some very hard questions: everything is correlated … wave excitation, damping, flows, sound speed etc.

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